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Good season so far

TN Larry

Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2003
Baxter, Tennessee
It has been a good season for me so far. I don't turkey hunt a ton due to Spring time fishing but do find some time to go. I have been three times this year and have been lucky enough to punch a tag each time.

Bird #1

21 lbs
1" spurs
9.5" super thick beard


Bird #2

15 lbs
3/8" spurs
4.5" beard


Bird #3

20.5 lbs
7/8" spurs
10.25 beard


If you have never grilled turkey breast and like grilled chicken, you need to try it. I grilled part of the third one and was amazed. I let it marinate for 24 hrs in Italian dressing and black pepper. I then wrapped it in bacon and threw it on the grill. It was better than any chicken that I have ever grilled, and my wife and I both love grilled chicken. I gave the first one away to my cousin, but my wife said that was the last time after we tried it grilled. :D

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