Got #4 this morning!


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2009
Reaction score
jackson co.

This has been one of my best years! I have only been 4 times and killed 4 birds. Didn't hear as many different birds gobbling this morning but the ones that did were non stop. got set up about 150 yards away made a few yelps and could tell he was coming. Instead of coming out the top of the ridge he walked along the side just under the break out of sight. I could hear him strutting and gobbling only 30 yards away. Made a slight adjustment to my right and hoped he would come straight up the hill in front of my barrel. He would only be 15 yards when his head popped up. As luck would have it I did not have to adjust anymore, he popped up right in front. I wanted him to take a few more steps to get all the way on top for 2 reasons, first I wanted to see his beard and make sure he wasn't a jake and second I didn't want to chance him flopping over the steep side and going to the bottom. At 12 yards he gobbled in my face and I responded with hevi-13's.

19.75 lbs.
10.5" beard
1" Spurs