Well, got off of work early this morning so I decided to head to the woods. I got to my listening spot and started changing into my camo. I owl hooted and got the owls going and sat back drank my coffee and waited. As I started to get back in truck to go to another spot he sounded off. I got my stuff and headed down into a deep thick creek bottom. He was out on a point and sounding off pretty consistent. I sat up on him first too far away. He was working a bench just below the point he was roosted on. I let him work off a little way and I dropped down off the side of ridge and made my way down and around to get on the bench with him. I gave it 15-20 minutes just slowly walking and scratching every so often. I pulled out my trusty zink slate and made a couple cuts and he hammered no more then 75 yards away!! He rattled my chest he was so close! I just found the closest tree and sat down. He came in spitting and drumming, strutting the whole time. He past in front of me at 30 yards and could not shoot. Let him work off again and situate myself. Purred and he hammered and came back same way just in reverse. Let him work off once more, get up and move above him where he came through. Call him back in but guess where he goes this time? Right where I was sitting at the first time. I called this bird in 3 times and never was able to get a shot off lol where I was at was little sapplings and briar thicket. It was fun to play the game but frustrating at the same time! I'll try him in the morning and hopefully have some pics!