Well-Known Member
Seen him following a doe real close opening day of rifle and didn't come the way we thought he would be and went up the hill on our right then less than 5 minutes late a big 10 came out going where this one and doe came from I think because the 10 did not go near this one and doe this one was the dominant one of the 2, my daughter was hunting that day and couldn't get a shot on either one I went back 2 days later and dropped him in his tracks right where him and doe came out the other day. He was heavy i have dragged a lot of deer and this one was definitely one of the heaviest. I shot one last year dressed 125 and was pretty easy to drag this guy wasnot. If I was to guess the weight I would think around 160. And boy was he stinky. Got him with my new .350 legend at 50 yards in BSF. May not be the best pics, when I dropped him at the processor he kept going on about the body on this deer.