Got it done another year!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2012
Reaction score
Was finally able to get with the 80 yr old gentleman that we hunt with in middle TN. Weather and schedule conflicts had prevented it so far this season.

I picked my dad up at 3:15 for the drive over. Glenn was ready when we pulled in at 4:45. We dropped my dad off at one spot while we headed to another farm. We were greeted with four different gobblers in different directions. After trying to determine the easiest setup spot (he had forgotten his walking stick) we got situated.

The gobbler was behind the field we were sat up on at our 2:00 position. Soon we heard a hen at our 12:00 but closer. She was still roosted but I thought he was on the ground.

She didn't like my calling and started yelping. He gobbled to her but not so much me so I started mimicking her. This tore him up and he started moving toward our 12:00 and getting closer. Finally it sounded like he had to be right under her. That's when she flew down into our field and another hen did also.
In just a minute we could see his white head appear straight in front of us at about 80 yds. He strutted into view and gobbled in our face. The hens stayed out and just over the hill slightly right of us.

I just knew he was going to follow them but after some soft clucks he started walking toward us. I had Glenn slowly shoulder his old Winchester shotgun. At about 40 steps or so he stopped and raised his head and acted like he saw something he didn't like. I told Glenn to shoot him which he did.

The spurs are close to an inch and maybe a 9" beard.

We've dropped him off and I'm now with dad to see if the one he was on early will sound off.


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That's fantastic. Glad the hunt turned out great for him. Congrats to him and a fine thing you did by taking him.
Awesome! That's great and hopefully I'll still be able to chase them at 80! Your a awesome dude for taking time to take him and be patient enough to let him do what he loves while he still can man! Congrats!
TDW05":2coqtewn said:
Awesome! That's great and hopefully I'll still be able to chase them at 80! Your a awesome dude for taking time to take him and be patient enough to let him do what he loves while he still can man! Congrats!
Setterman":2coqtewn said:
Of all the things most of accomplish each year it all pales in comparison to this story. Happy for all involved

Ditto to both of these comments. This report is one of my favorites every year from all of the hunting forums I frequent. My hat is off to you sir, thanks for sharing.
Thanks guys.

Glenn has gotten us access to 5 or 6 different surrounding farms that hardly anyone hunts. It's crazy the numbers of birds that we have fooled with over the years and each trip is a different experience.

I make it one of my primary goals each year to try to put a gobbler in front of his barrel (although he'll argue that jakes taste better and can't fathom why anyone would ever pass on one :D ).

His mobility limitations are a challenge sometimes, but we've learned how to minimize them most of the time, and can work around them.

This just adds to the great memories we've had over there with the double we had last year, to the hunt 3 yrs ago where he missed a jake, but I was able to calm the rest of the flock and then call in the remaining hens and two gobblers, of which he killed one.

As we were talking yesterday morning and taking pics, his wife said, "Why, just yesterday he was showing someone a picture on his phone of the two you guys killed last year!" :)