Got my new bow


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2010
Reaction score
I bought a 2011 Bowtech Destroyer 350 last week and love it. I shoot one pin from zero to 42 yards. That takes away alot of the guess work.
Are you saying that your arrow hits the same spot at 10 yards,20 yards,30 yards and 42 yards when you use your 42 yard pin?
got the destroyer 350 last year shooting my hunting arrow 320fps I use the hha slider and it wont shoot flat to 42 it would have to be high at 20
One more time! I am shooting carbon express blue streaks. Ok they weigh 381 grains with a 100 grain field tip. Now I'm shooting 70lbs. at 30" and according to the chronograph at our local Bowtech dealer it shot on the first shot 334fps. After shooting the bow for a solid 3wks. now and giving the strings and everything time to settle in the bow has picked up to 337fps. Just for kicks and giggles I shot a good tom open day with it.

You can shoot one pin to 100 just have to know high high to put it.

Mathmatically, your arrow shooting 337fps over 42 yards will experience just right at 6" of drop...if you zero at 35 yards, your arrow stays within +/- 3" of zero throughout its flight.
I guess for all you edjucated Know it alls I know what I'm talking about I know what I did. And if my yardage is wrong then I need to sue leopould , and try to talk them into hiring Forcetowork for a engineering position. Hahaha
Dang Mossyback...didn't mean to touch a nerve...your bow is smoking fast but you can't defy physics...and just for the record, I am an engineer. :)
Ol'Mossyback said:
I guess for all you edjucated Know it alls I know what I'm talking about I know what I did. And if my yardage is wrong then I need to sue leopould , and try to talk them into hiring Forcetowork for a engineering position. Hahaha

I call bs, no way you will be shooting flat with one pin. No matter how fast the bow is at 42 yards you will get some drop. I would say at that distance at least 4". Btw, you don't have to be a smart Alec. I have enough competition.
If you mean you can shoot one pin to 42 yards by sighting in at like 25 yards and then the arrow hit a little high or low but still be in the vitals out to 42, I'll but that. If you saying your arrow doesn't drop any at all out to 42, I call bs on that also.