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Got the monkey off my back!! (pics)


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2003
Middle TN
Most of my friends have killed a bird or two so far, several have tagged out. I was starting to get depressed!

Secret Squirrel and I headed out this morning at 5:15. Got set up and "parked in the spots" by 5:30. One is gobbling his fool head head off on the roost about 200 yds away. Non stop thundering!! At 5:45, one gobbles right over our head and pitches down about 125 yds or so away. SS made a few soft yelps, and I made a few. He had about as much interest in us as I have in building bridges. :crazy: Wind was blowing and trains kept going by, so I thought maybe he wasn't hearing us. I hit the Woods Wise Box call and that old periscope popped up and he started gobbling. "OK, now that we have your attention." SS made a few yelps and clucks and he would gobble back. This went on for 10-15 mins. But he wasn't closing the distance. Just standing there gobbling. He was trying to get the hen to come to him, so I told SS to go quiet for a while. We gave him the silent treatment and he started easing our way, still gobbling, thinking the hen had left, or found another boyfriend. Then, after about 30 minutes of this cat and mouse game, SS started the soft purrs. Now, ol' Tom was getting curious. The periscope was spinning around trying to find the hen. Then he saw the decoy!! In a trot, he closed the distance from about 90 yds to 35 yds in milliseconds (or so it seemed) :o . The purr specialist, Secret Squirrel, kept his interest and finally the tom slowed down and popped up the red ball. BOOM !! It was all over. :cool:

Thanks Michael!! Great calling, Dude.

6:25 am
May 4
19.2 lbs.
10.25" beard
7/8 " spurs
35 yds.
Lil' Deuce and Woods Wise calls.
Winchester Supreme, 3" Mag # 5's
Mossberg 835

Great morning!! 60 minute hunt. It simply does not get any better than that!!

In the field:

At home in back yard:
Secret Squirrel said:
Today's hunt keeps on running over and over again in my head. AH what a memory. It was just so awesome to see that gobbler in a full run.

Dude, I have been obsessed all day with this morning's hunt. :) I almost told my boss about it!! :D Talk about bustin one's own self!!

It was just textbook------------------well, once we got his head in the game and the sexy purring got to him, that is!! From there, it was the death trap! :cool:
WOW !! What a morning!

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