Gotta love public land when

Or, how about this one... On the previous day you work a bird from 10:00 to 1:30 and never get a shot. Go back the next day get to where he is roosted, he flies down the ridge behind you. He gobbles acting like he is comming in to you then you hear BOOM, then 5 sec later, BOOM. And the booms are not yours or your buddies!!!!
Ditto renegade. A guy drove up a little after I did and we talked and I made sure I'd be out of his way. He even told me where the birds where roosted and he was dead on. I know why he didnt mess with them now. He hiked in a mile farther than I did. Wonder why..

I think that bird might be the same one I called to a ditch yesterday at 12:30. It was only 100 yards from where I was at this morning.
Me and a buddy actually called in another hunter at Big Hill Pond State park, on the public land behind it, I never went back there again
seems like im not the only one who deals with idiots on a regular basis...

Then again, I have met some nice, helpful people on public land as well. Much less frequently, though.
I've met some doosies on public land but must say I've met one of the nicest guys there this year. His house backs up to it and I'd seen a longbeard a couple of times in a field as I passed by. Well he stops one day when I'm at the truck and we get to talking and he tells me more and more and I tell him what I know. Before it was over we ended up hunting the afternoon together and I've run into him again since then and shot the bull. Restores my faith in public land hunters at least until the next idgit shows up which probably won't be long.
no knock on people who do, but i just cant turkey hunt on public land unless it is areas only accessible by boat. just dangerous to me, i just dont trust there is no LOON out there about to shoot me by mistake.
renegade50 said:
just wait till someone walks right thru your dekes set up on a firebreak visble for 250 yards in 4 directions cause they heard the bird you was working when they got out of the car at 8 oclock in the morning

no such thing as hunter courtesy on public land at times from alot of people it seems like...

it can be aggravating

if someone is in a spot i would have liked to have hunted that day before me and i see them
i will back off and go elsewhere
but it seems that favor is hardly never returned by others to me...
Reminds me of a time in area 32 when I was setup off a field with hen decoys(this field is not visible from the road). A goober, not gobbler, came to the far end of the field, 250 yards or more and I watched him sneak the field edge(he was not in the woods, field edge) all the way to my decoys. When he got about 50 yards from my decoys he just stood there looking around. I finally yelled "what are you doing?" He just turned and walked the way he came. He never looked back. UFB!
captain hook said:
REN said:
no knock on people who do, but i just cant turkey hunt on public land unless it is areas only accessible by boat. just dangerous to me, i just dont trust there is no LOON out there about to shoot me by mistake.

It is different over here with the vastness of our public land, and its ruggedness. I felt the same way until I started wandering mountain sides.

There are plenty of idiots here, don't worry, and the 4wheelers are by far the biggest issue, as it seems people forgot how to walk from point A to point B.

yeah most of it i live around here in Middle Tn is not HUGE by any means, out east on a BIG track i might consider it.

weekdays I have hunted public land a few times by boat on old hickory....weekends are a definite NO even if i didnt have the private land i do