I hunted this farm Monday and was working a bird in but had to back out early to get to my boys baseball game. I got a chance to get back after them this evening with one of my boys. He decided he didn't want to take his gun and would just tag along. We got to the spot I wanted to call from and broke out my old lynch fool proof box call. I made a series of yelp and he hammers down. He is around 100 yards are so from us. I gave it about 5 minutes and made another series of yelps and he cut me off at around 70 yards. I set the call down and got ready. He came in to about 40 yards and got a little nervous. I decided to go ahead and take him. 10 1/8 beard, 1 and 1 1/16 spurs I didn't weigh him but I'm thinking around 19 pounds.
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