GRRRRR, what the heck


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2004
Reaction score
Southern Wayne CO and NW Alabama
Bow shot fine before I went to KY, field points and broadheads. Been shooting fine every since with field points.

SOOOOOOOOOO, today I figured I would shoot one round just recheck since it's been a few days.

GRRRRRRR..........broadheads all over the place. Field points to the right a little, muzzy's to the left, one low....grrrrrrrrr.

One broadhead hits the bow just in front of the WB. My #1 arrow. Not sure what is up with that. One arrow goes over the target!!!!

SOOOOOOOOO, I get on here and read up. LOL

Keep your fingers crossed, they are getting closer together as we speak. Taking a break now. I never knew to move the rest the way the fp's were shooting to bring the groups together. Never had to but for some reason, it's working for this.

GRRRRRRR, why NOW!!!!!!! Either way, I'm glad I caught instead of wounding something.
if they is grouping then needs tuning if they are all over the place might want to try spin testing the arrows and give them a check
Radar, it's shooting much better now. I knew I would either screw it worse (nothing lost, wasn't risking a deer anyway) or make it better. lol

I had to move my rest towards my bow and one of my arrows now rubs (broadhead) the bow at full draw. I turned it a little and it cleared but it don't shoot right.

I've also ruined two arrows today so I'm down to three. GRRRRR

Guess I need to go refletch some next week. Probably take the bow and have it looked at since I'm not sure really what happened, even though it's shooting fine now.
Gotta agree with the others. One additional thing I'd suggest is to double check and make sure every screw is tight. Maybe the rest is backing/vibrating because of a loose screw.

I got L-U-C-K-Y!

Took off work at 1pm even though it was shooting fine. Something told me that it wasn't right still. Gut feeling.

So, I head to bowshop. Guy puts laser to align WB and boy was it off. He said......."how do you hit anything?" and laughed. Good guy and very good with bows.

So, he centers the WB and it was so bad, my sight bracket had to moved almost 1" to the left!!!!!!!!!!

Took it home, shot it at 10 yards with field points then with broadheads. Shot probably 50 times mostly at 20 yards and got it shooting good. Groups with both points were fine.

I did have two bad arrows. They fly all over the place. They were good, not sure what happened to them. Still got 5 good ones though.