Effective 1 April they will tack on sales tax on all auctions for pretty much every state that has it including Tennessee.
Used or new items, doesn't matter.
Used or new items, doesn't matter.
Alabama - AL | Maine - ME | Pennsylvania - PA |
Arizona - AZ | Maryland - MD | Puerto Rico - PR |
Arkansas - AR | Massachusetts - MA | Rhode Island - RI |
California - CA | Michigan - MI | South Carolina - SC |
Colorado - CO | Minnesota - MN | South Dakota - SD |
Connecticut - CT | Mississippi - MS | Tennessee - TN |
District of Columbia - DC | Nebraska - NE | Texas - TX |
Georgia - GA | Nevada - NV | Utah - UT |
Hawaii - HI | New Jersey - NJ | Vermont - VT |
Idaho - ID | New Mexico - NM | Virginia - VA |
Illinois - IL | New York - NY | Washington - WA |
Indiana - IN | North Carolina - NC | West Virginia - WV |
Iowa - IA | North Dakota - ND | Wisconsin - WI |
Kentucky - KY | Ohio - OH | Wyoming - WY |
Louisiana - LA | Oklahoma - OK |
yeah i bet those idiots dont know that stuff they are re-selling is IRS taxable.Not a fan of Gunbroker, people see a couple of overpriced auctions and then they think that's the new value of said item. I hope all the knuckleheads standing in line at the box stores buying up ammo to flip get a big tax bill from the IRS. Profit is a good thing, manipulating the market is not.
I agree about using auctions to establish value of anything. Just because something sold for a certain price at auction doesn't mean it is repeatable on the open market.Not a fan of Gunbroker, people see a couple of overpriced auctions and then they think that's the new value of said item. I hope all the knuckleheads standing in line at the box stores buying up ammo to flip get a big tax bill from the IRS. Profit is a good thing, manipulating the market is not.
I bought 5 rifles and a shotgun off GB last year, but i usually go straight to the seller to get a better deal. Never had problems, just don't care for the current atmosphere of the site.I have no worries about doing any business on GB, never have and probably never will.
I personally believe in paying tax once on an item not every time it's resold but they never called to ask for my opinion.If you don't like paying taxes, you need to be complaining to your state government, not gunbroker.
Just because they didn't charge taxes in the past doesn't mean you weren't supposed to pay them.
Not saying this at anyone on here.. just speaking in general...
That is my issue, not the having to pay taxes part, that's just part of life. It's the atmosphere as you said, and prices of late. I can just do without it.I bought 5 rifles and a shotgun off GB last year, but i usually go straight to the seller to get a better deal. Never had problems, just don't care for the current atmosphere of the site.