Gut punch


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2005
Reaction score
5 miles yesterday afternoon, called in 2 males that hung up at 25 yards with bodies below the rise. Couldn't tell if they were Jake's or Tom's. They didnt gobble on the way in, but purred and clucked excitedly, but less than the level of fighting purrs. I suspect they were Jake's.

Went back into the same area this morn in the dark, not a peep. Around flydown, I started making the rounds and struck a bird 2.5 miles in at 9am. He was across a steep ravine, so I walked and slid down to the bottom with him gobbling back at me every time I crashed. I crossed the creek and climbed up to the first bench. He gobbled over 100 times 100y away but wouldnt commit. I figured something was hanging him up and needed to make a move, so I crawled up a steep side ravine to 60 yards. He was on a bluff with a 20ft drop to the bench above me. Dunno why he refused to just pitch off the bluff to the bench, but after over an hour of working him, he finally moved off 75yds to a steep cut to walk down to the bench. At 25 yards, I clucked to him, then proceeded to fling my payload way above his head. Didnt even cut a feather, he walked off clucking, but I couldn't get him to come back for a second look.

It was a long and painful walk of shame back to the truck, telling myself at least I wasn't having to tote him thru 2.5 miles of Katrina devastated hardwoods (I think my eyes had gotten matted shut at least a dozen times from spiderwebs).

After arriving back to the truck, I ate a bite and drank a couple bottles of water. What the heck, I've got some time still, so I decided to check another block of public about 6 miles away where I found a set of gobbler tracks (and 2 sets of boot tracks) yesterday. Quite a few truck tracks on the forest service roads, so I expected this spot to be taken, but it wasn't. I started hiking in, and after a few hundred yards, I cut a set of gobbler tracks that had been made this morning since the rain last night! I continued on walking and calling along the ridge without response, the dropped into the south drain at the end of the road. After a short loop in there, I decided to go back to the gobbler tracks and see if I could tell which side of the road he cut off toward. On the way back, he hammered back to a kee kee yelp a couple hundred yards off the road in the north drain. I ran down the road another 100 yards to find a spot to cut into the woods (was way too thick between the two of us), then cut the distance to him in half and set up. He was crawling all over my calls, but then hung up down in the drain 100y away. I waited him out 30 min, but he refused to budge. I repositioned 30 y to the right and clucked, and he came to 60 yards just below the rise in front of me, but refused to commit. I crawled 10y to see over the rise and sat up. Nothing. He had been gobbling every 60s before that. After a few minutes, I heard him cluck thru some thicker stuff. Then again, then I picked him out and confirmed he was a longbeard. He was at 40y, must have seen me a bit, and started easing toward me clucking. When he got to 35, he clucked in quick succession, the started easing away. No problem, plenty close enough to die.... so I took aim, and flung another payload well above his head!. He clucked off, not a feather cut.

I headed out, gonna take a long time to get over today. Gonna head to the range to check zero. I must have knocked my vortex off in the past 5 days banging through all the thick timber.

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Re: Gut punch

Oh, man. I'm sorry. I've missed. Everyone who has done it a while has. But two in a day is BRUTAL. Especially as hard as you've had to work finding birds. I'll spare you the "hang in there" and "you'll get 'em next times." It just sucks and time - and the next dead turkey - are the only things that will make it suck less.
Re: Gut punch

Sight is not off enough to matter.... center of pattern is 4in high and 4in to left at 40yds. Devastating pattern with over 90% in the 20in circle.

I just flat out raised my head twice instead of following through with my trigger pull.

I think it's been over 30 kills since I've missed, so I was due 1..... but 2 in a row makes me want to puke as hard as I've worked for birds.

At least I have 2 birds pinned on public. Gonna give those guys a few days before trying them again

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Re: Gut punch

Sorry man, at least they were clean misses and you know they're still there.
Re: Gut punch

30 birds without a miss + 2 misses in one day = 60 future dead birds without any misses (maybe)? Catch and release turkey hunting I call east you know there's 2 in there to go back after in a day or 3.
Re: Gut punch

Tough pill to swallow, but I'd take five clean misses over a single cripple. You found them on public, played the game, and beat both of them the traditional way. That speaks volumes IMO. The killing is what we all crave, but the hunt is what keeps us going back. Good luck next hunt, you at least know where to start.

What stage is the foliage in there? 20% leaf out?
Re: Gut punch

Use a different gun!

(I'm only halfway kidding, because the mind can mess with you)
Re: Gut punch

megalomaniac":22c75jml said:
Sight is not off enough to matter....
Has POI changed since the first time you sighted it in? That would be my main concern. Any shift worth noting would be too much for me and make me question durability of sight and possibly lose confidence going forward.

megalomaniac":22c75jml said: of pattern is 4in high and 4in to left at 40yds.
Not ideal, and definitely not "forgiving" considering most misses are high. Did you make adjustments?
Re: Gut punch

I adjusted the sight for about half the difference. First time I've touched it since I set the gun up last year. I didnt fully adjust it, as the gun and sight were responsible for 7 kills last year and 1 this year without a miss.

I did switch from the 1000fps reduced recoil load to the 1100fps load, so I feared POI may have been shifted significantly higher, but it wasn't.

We are well over 1/3 greened up. It happened FAST with these temps.... like in a week. I actually think what caused the misses was me getting off the gun too fast looking for the bird flopping in the thick underbrush. But even before it greened up, a lot of the places I'm hunting are way thicker than I'm used to.

I still havent physically or mentally recovered from the 11 miles I hiked Fri and Sat. I tore a ligament and broke my big toe a month ago, and the 35 miles I've hiked in the past 2 weeks has it really inflamed and swollen. I've picked some small blocks of public out to check that wont require much walking (so they will probably be overhunted), but I dont want to go in there in the dark without having boots on the ground. Plus its raining.... so I'm sitting in my truck with rain gear on, waiting till gobble time, then checking a part of my private lease I havent checked in 4 or 5 days. There was a 2yo on camera at one of our feeders back in early February, but he hasnt been around since all the feeders were removed mid February.

Around 8, I'll head to the new public spots and scout/hunt to have some more back up plans. Gonna give my missed birds till Tuesday before I go back after them.

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Re: Gut punch

Good luck mega, really enjoy the updates. Switching shells mid-stroke is definitely cause for concern on POI shifts. I've seen it many times before. Different shell, different POI. Glad the shift wasn't extreme. Good luck today, hope you can get in the game.
Re: Gut punch

That's tough but thanks for sharing. Seriously, it is great reading.
I'm sure you'll make up for it soon enough.
Re: Gut punch

Lol.... I'm on a bird right now!

I covered the lease.... nothing. First time on a new spot on public and I've got a bird gobbling his head off 300y away but has 3 hens. Gonna be a long wait for the hens to split off to lay.

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Re: Gut punch

Well.... didnt have to wait too long. The hens came right to me with him gobbling the whole time

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Re: Gut punch

megalomaniac":3ma35prs said:
I've got a bird gobbling his head off 300y away but has 3 hens.
How did you make this determination at that distance? Visual?

Congrats mega! Not sure I would ever mess with a dedicated "turkey lease" down there if I didn't have to. If it came with the deer lease, yeah, but you have proven no private turkey lease needed IF one has time to hunt and stay after them.
Re: Gut punch

Yes, I watched them the whole time. I picked this spot because it had a gas pipeline running through thick timber in Natl Forest, but close to private. With all the rain we had this morning, I was expecting birds to head toward any openings in the forest to fluff back out. I saw a couple hens crossing the forest service road on the way in, pinned their location. Then I finished the drive to my parking spot. There were fresh tire tracks on the way in where someone had already hunted the spot before i got there, but another set going back out, so I knew I was alone for the time being. Only a short 150yd walk to the pipeline, and there were old gobbler tracks in the mud.... a great sign! Just before i got to the pipeline, my coffee kicked in and i had to take care of some woods business. Luckily i had brought some napkins :) just as I was starting, a bird free gobbled down the pipeline! Total luck, finished my business, then eased to the intersection of the road and pipeline. 4 birds total, including the tom 300y down the pipeline right where public meets private. I called softly but excitedly to try to get the hens interested, but they ignored me. The gobbler ate it up and gobbled at everything including crows, woodpeckers, and loud tweety birds.

I didnt think I had a chance at him until the hens left to lay, but I was willing to wait them out. I kept clucking and purring occasionally, then the lead hen decided to come check me out. I watched him follow the ladies still gobbling at everything, but when he hit about 100y away someone owl hooted close to where I parked my truck. Crap, I need him to hurry up or this other guy is going to bust him. He heard the bird gobble to his owl hoot and starts calling 85 yds behind me on the road I walked in on. The hens and gobbler made it to me before the other hunter had a chance to wreck it.

So yes, its def worth it to be in private down here. The rule 'first come, first served' just isn't followed by the locals here. Most will try to mess up another hunter purposefully, and the greatest badge of honor to them is shooting a bird out from under you.

But, tag is on #2, although it was mostly luck. I bet I only had covered 1/3 mile walking today. My toe needed an easy day!

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Re: Gut punch

Congrats man.

Did the other guy know you were there? I hope he stuck around for when you walked out if so.

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