Had a blast!


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
Cookeville, TN
Well, I completed my first day ever bowhunting and my first day hunting out of a stand. I killed my first deer, a six point, December 1st 2007 sitting under a cedar tree with a Marlin 30 30 I bought at Academy Sports. Even though I didn't hear or see any deer thie evening, I learned some valuable lessons. First, I realize how it is best to take it slow with all that gear going into the woods. I started doing cardio 6 days a week at the first of this month and it helped, but I still need to get used to hauling all that gear. I learned that it is important to really take time to select the best spot. Today I was a little too fast picking a tree and needed to hike another 200 yards in to get closer to a thicket. I learned to be careful at the base of the tree before climing. I stepped on my bow when I was trying to wrap the climbing cable around the tree.I learned that once I'm settled in my stand, it is the biggest escape from day to day life there is. I watched some birds and squirrels frolic about and listened to mast falling out of the trees hoping it was a deer breaking a twig with its step, only to hear nothing else. I learned going down a tree in the dark is time consuming, but safety always comes first. I learned that I am going to be doing this as long as I can, since I had a blast today. I can't wait till it really gets cool and the leaves change. Good luck to everyone and thank you for answering all the questions that basically got answered in one hunting trip today.
Your next lesson is how long it takes to get over "The Shakes" after your first bow kill. I remember grabbing the tree trunk with both hands for 5 minutes before I quit shaking enough to stand on my own.
Glad that you had a good time. It gets even better. Just wait until you get your first close encounter, whether you get to shoot or not. There is nothing else like it. :cool:
WELCOME to the world of bowhunting! I am glad you had a great time!Hang in there, your time to release an arrow will come! I can't put into words what it feels like to kill a deer with archery gear! I get much more worked up killing a doe with my bow than I do killing a wall-hanger buck with a rifle!Keep at it and have fun!