Haven't seen a bird in 9 months!

Bayou Buck

Well-Known Member
May 11, 2009
Reaction score
Franklin, TN
As early as early January and February of this year I would routinely see and get pics of large flocks of turkeys on my property in Perry County. It was common to se 20-30 at a time. Well this spring turned out to be the slowest season at my farm since I bought the place. I only heard a few birds gobble but never got close to any. Now its almost the end of the year and I have yet to get a pic or see a track since March. I hunt over 1,000 continuous acres with fields, hardwoods, and cut-over. It seems as if all the birds vanished. Even sightings in fields along the road have about ceased within a 20 mile radious of my farm. The only thing I can figure is the predator population is getting out of control.

Just thought I would post this as it was on my mind and I know others have been seeing a decline in numbers in the area.
Sounds strange. Our farm usually winters around 100 or so birds (75 acres), so it is very possible they have found a better place to winter at.

However, I honestly think the turkey population is suffering throughout the state in a checker board pattern. Its a lost cause trying to talk about it, because it seems that the majority of people that have a upper hand in the fight do not have a population problem. My experience lately has been, if the birds are there they are thick and in other places they used to be heavy they are now basically void. Predators, loose dogs, baiting, and over harvest I think affects local birds in a given area.
Who knows??? I see birds on my cam but in very sporadic patterns. One day I'll see 20 birds...then it will be a month before I see anymore. I have a pretty decent population of human trespassers, coyotes, foxes, and loose dogs. In the last 6 months, I've killed 2 dogs and 2 foxes but there's many more to go.
Usually see 60+ or so winter count. Seeing more gobblers and jakes this year but smaller # of hens. Largest hen group is 16 so far.
I hope it's not whatever got the southern counties where birds just disappeared over winter a few years ago. If that's a case it's a mystery and its not good. I doubt it's predators
Sounds like you moved to Lawrence county... I hope it isn't the case of whatever happened toour birds but if it is get used to it
To me turkey seem to have a winter area and a spring area. Ive deer hunted a place and the turkey will hang there all deer season but when spring comes they will be aross the fence on the joining property were they will roost in the same spot (sounds like it) and will occasionally wonder over to the other property
I've been seeing 30 - 50 birds at a time. Finally found out who owns the land, and turns out that he and my dad are really well acquainted. Going to ask him soon if I can hunt it. Crossing fingers for a positive result.

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