Always realy like my High Country's, if I had the extra cash I'd have me a SP10 or SP11 either one, absolutely strung lightning.
Love my x11. Sold my mathews z7 extreme and got the x11 and a bowtech. The hca is just as smooth as the mathews but smokes it.over the chrono with same specs and arrows.
Looking at trying the new extreme
my dad had an old high country sniper and it was the loudest bow i have ever heard!! it was louder than most crossbows but he loved it and killed 15+ deer with it
A while back I shot a X10 & X11 that a shop owner had been play'n with, he told me they were set up with light arrows & were kind of loud, ther wasnt anything loud about them, serious quiet.
Archeryjuv. said:
my dad had an old high country sniper and it was the loudest bow i have ever heard!! it was louder than most crossbows but he loved it and killed 15+ deer with it

Many of those old bows from any bow company were loud back then . The current HCA bows are quiet . I used to do some testing work for them when I lived in Tn . Nice bows!