Heating up string when waxing


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
Cookeville, TN
There have been some good posts on Archery Talk regarding heating up a bow string when waxing. I have been rubbing in the wax so hard that the heat would blister my finger. I saw a You Tube clip where a guy was using a hairdryer to melt the wax. Well, this might not be good. The material strings are made of are a plastic. High heat can deform the material. I am going to lightly wax with my fingers till warm when I get my Winners Choice.
I have always folded a small piece of cardboard or paper over the string to protect my fangers when applying wax. Some on here have suggested using a small piece of leather.
dmitchell28 said:
yeah that is pretty quick....is someone just wanting some fancy new strings????? lol :cool:

That's kinda what I was hinting at. That's cool. i am the type that I could care less about what my stuff looks like as long as it shoots the way I want it to..

UT post pics once you get your rig done up.
His cable really looks like crap. I wouldn't put anything new on until I figured out what's chewing it up though.
the guy at bass pro taught me to use a small soft piece of leather and rub it vigorously til its warm... AND about every 6 months or so- take a piece of dental floss and run it down your string to take off any of the excess wax/muck...i was amazed how much junk he got off of mine.... ive heard you can also use like a business card type of material to rub in your wax too...
yeah where is the cable being worn? If im not mistaken, dont he have a Parker? Parker was having some minor issues with the cam eating up the cables on the blackhawk and some of the phoenix also. What do you shoot UT?
UTGrad said:
I got it set up at BPS in Nashville. It is a Parker Trailblazer XP with the following accessories:

Black Gold Flash Point sight (very bright and solid)
Quick Shot Whisker Biscuit Pro (had to get it over the Hostage)
String Tamer and Sims S Coil stabilizer (not completely straight)
Solid Limb Limbsavers
Quickee 3 Shot quiver
where exactly is the cable being destroyed? Is it right above the bottom cam? Thats where they was having problems with the blackhawk and the phoneix were having the problems from. IF this is where it is destroying your cable, Definately email AND call parker, PM and I have a direct email to a guy who can take care of you and fix you up!
The string is getting pretty frayed at the cable guard. While shooting today, I watched as the string passed through the cable guard. It is that section of string that travels up through the guard when I draw that is affected. I have some serving seperation at the cam, but I don't think it is major and Joe at Hermitage Archery said he sees that alot. I hope Dickson Sportsman has aftermarket cable guards!
Sounds like your cable slide has some sharper edges on it , causing it to cut into the string fibers. I'd try a new slide if you have a universal cable rod.
yeah...i think a new slide will make you new again! Or you can take your old slide off and check it for any burs and take a small file it out. That may work for a short term fix
Scott61 said:
Sounds like your cable slide has some sharper edges on it , causing it to cut into the string fibers. I'd try a new slide if you have a universal cable rod.

That is what the problem is Scott. I got some info that the factory cable slide that comes with the Parker is cheap and has caused problems. Jay and others have recommended a teflon slide.