help! best turkey optic!

"Best" is often a personal preference.

But for some balance between price vs. lasting value, reliability, overall quality, and design fit for a dedicated turkey gun . . . . . Would be very hard to come up with something "better" than the Burris Fastfire III.

For a dedicated turkey gun, my personal favorite (no longer manufactured) is a Nikon Monarch 1.5-4.5 x 20mm objective (with the parallax set at 50 yards). Some people prefer the red dots, some prefer more traditional "scopes", while a growing number are raving about the Burris Fastfires. For the money, and currently available, my vote would go for the FastFire.

The main issue I have with most traditional scopes (and with some of the red dots) is their large "footprint" mainly because of a larger than needed objective. There is no reason any scope of traditional design needs an objective larger than 20mm when used for turkey hunting on low magnification. A larger objective is just more to be in the way, more weight, and more to potentially reflect a spooking glare back to a turkey.

Another issue I have with some of the lower cost optics is their ability to hold up over time when used on a gun with such massive recoil. The cost of replacing (even if it's after a few years), re-sighting in, etc., can cause lower-cost optics to cost more over time than more expensive optics.
Wes Parrish said: personal favorite (no longer manufactured) is a Nikon Monarch 1.5-4.5 x 20mm objective (with the parallax set at 50 yards).
While not a monarch and it's less than desirable glossy exterior finish, this is a very similar scope that is for sale at the moment on eBay (bidding ends in 2 hours). It is made in Japan which is typically a good indicator of above average quality and workmanship. I would also think you could camouflage it by some means in the future if you so desired. ... 589c21653f