Help Me Guys!!! Is This Serious???

Buck Assassin

Well-Known Member
May 8, 2008
Reaction score
cocke county, TN
Went to shoot my bow this morning and found this on my bottom limb. I guess you would call it a splinter? Does this mean my limb is getting weak or what? I don,t know what to do. Should I take it to the dealer or is it not that big of a deal and should I just glue it back down? The piece is about an inch and a half long and the thickness is just a sliver.

TheAirMan said:
Do NOT shoot that bow like that. Take it and have them get you new limbs.
Well I'm glad I posted this here because I was really thinking about just glueing it back down and just keep shooting it. I didn't think that it would be so bad it being such a small piece.
I think Diamond bows have a lifetime warranty?? Can't remember without getting my paperwork out,you gonna send it in? If so keep us updated on how they handle it? Or atlest me anyway if you don't mind,for possible future refrence..LOL
Yes i do think they have a lifetime warranty. I guess I will take it to bass pro and see what I can get done.
Man I hate having these kind of problems when it gets close to opening day. :(
Does anyone know anything about Diamond Customer Service???
Yea that limb is trashed. They should replace it. I would get them to replace both. Hope you get it fixed before season.

Hey guys lets learn a lesson from this. Had Buck Assassin not checked his equipment b4 shooting he might have ended up a lot worse.
Check your equipment thouroghly before shooting every time. It only takes a second and it can prevent further damage to the bow and/or injury. We take for granted that our bows are high dollar big name bows so they will be defective free, but the truth of the matter is, this could happen to any of us with out warning. Sorry for the rant! Happy shooting
bobthebowhunter said:
Yea that limb is trashed. They should replace it. I would get them to replace both. Hope you get it fixed before season.

Hey guys lets learn a lesson from this. Had Buck Assassin not checked his equipment b4 shooting he might have ended up a lot worse.
Check your equipment thouroghly before shooting every time. It only takes a second and it can prevent further damage to the bow and/or injury. We take for granted that our bows are high dollar big name bows so they will be defective free, but the truth of the matter is, this could happen to any of us with out warning. Sorry for the rant! Happy shooting

Ditto what bob said! I would hate to have a bow explode on me!
I was in a shop with my brother last year getting new strings put on his bow and on the first draw back one of the loops on the buss cable snapped and it exploded.It sounded like a rifle went off! it sent his bottom limbs across the shop and put a hole in the wall when they hit. Thannkfully nobody got hurt that day!
i was shooting fish one time with an older martin bow when the top limb snapped right into and i was lucky i didn't get hurt.