Help with Cam


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2010
Reaction score
Middle TN
First time trail cam user, got Moultrie M-80 (based on great reviews).
Been working with it a few weeks and not getting much. This camera is about 11' up, facing down a wide trail. Today before I swapped cards, I walked slowly from left to right and then back again. The camera took 3 photos, but nothing showed. It took a final photo as I removed the card.
Nothing is blocking it, and I expect to get some photos from wind moving leaves, etc. But I CERTAINLY should have triggered the camera.
Here are a few somewhat successful photos.
Why would the doe be blurry? The doe was on the first shot, with 2 other empty ones.
The one with the fawn was also the first in the series of 3, with the other 2 showing nothing.
Advice appreciated for a camera newbie.



More than likely, the response you're going to get is it's a cheap camera. Severeal use them, including myself. Take it back, add money to a new one, or try your luck on another!
At $140, this seemed to be a mid-range model.
If it didn't pick me up walking back and forth, it has to be defective.
Glad I got the extended warranty. It is going back.

BSisco5, what camera do you recommend?
I am gonna have to disagree on this one. I have 2 M80s out and rarely have any blank pictures. I have been very impressed with them for the price.

I would check all the camera settings, if it still is acting up, I would have no problem trying another one...
LanceS4803 said:
At $140, this seemed to be a mid-range model.
If it didn't pick me up walking back and forth, it has to be defective.
Glad I got the extended warranty. It is going back.

BSisco5, what camera do you recommend?

From what I've gathered here, you'll get one in so many (say 8) that don't perform well of the "cheaper" cams. You may have got that one. I've been through three Cuddebacks and a Primos Blackout within the past 2.5 years. I've been fortunate enough to notice a flaw within reasonable time of purchase. BassPro has been curtious about me carrying it back and replacing. I've never sent one back to a manufacturer. The Blackout, the most recent failure, was just replaced with two WildGames. Your cam looks to take good pictures, minus the blur. Try taking it back and replacing it.. It always helped to have the box and pamplets it came with. ;) Which cam to recommend, I've found everyone has something different to say. To each his own. Stay away from the Cuddes though!
I use cheap cameras for fear of supporting the thieves' business. I have been lucky and have only encoutered one camera that looks like the blurred doe you post and also got many blanks. The response I got back was that the shutter speed was messed up (manufacture defect). If its new I would just exchange it. Chances are your next camera will be ok.
Thanks everyone.
I'll just swap this one for another M80. It has such great reviews on chasingame, that I want to give them another chance.
I'll look at the others recommended and may get another camera for a different spot.
Might try moving it closer to the ground too. Not sure what the range is on that camera, but it could be hard for it to pick up movement.
Placing a camera higher up narrows the detection zone since it is pointing into the ground. I think you will be happier with your results if you lower the camera to about waist high off the ground.
Waist high is exactly in the view of every yahoo who would walk this area. Just no way to hide it.
It was giving me a problem the week before when it was set lower in a different location. A lot of photos of nothing, followed by a deer.
I am suspecting the movement sensor is not pointed in the same direction as the lens.
This camera uses a red LED light as a guide to confirm lens direction. After climbing up and down, multiple times, it should be dead on at 3 feet high, right where the deer are in the night shot.
I'm checking reivews and am thinking of getting a Wildgame Innovations N6 to use at another farm. Good reviews also, so we'll see. That area is more secluded and gated (for whatever that means now days), so should be able to mount it lower.