Help with patterning new gun

Mr. Hawk

Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2003
Reaction score
Putnam co
Just got me a Franchi affinity 3 20ga and a tru loc turkey choke. I intstalled a new FFIiii and took it to the range to sight in/ pattern yesterday. I set up at 15 yds initially and after a couple shots with cheap target grade federal 7 1/2 shot I had it hitting in my circle with tons of pellets. When I moved it back to 35yds the pattern was huge, only a few shots in a 10" circle. Is this the cheap ammo, choke, what? I haven't gotten my tss in yet. Will the turkey load hold a tighter pattern?
How big was the sheet of paper you were shooting at? My suggestion is 35" x 35" minimum, and I prefer 40" x 40" so you can literally see where every pellet hits (100% accountability). I recommend getting a roll of this paper of something similar to help you see the BIG PICTURE of what your pattern is really doing.

With that said, the cheap lead ammo will spread out a good bit at 35-45 yards compared to TSS. What constriction choke you have?
I try to get mine dead on with bird shot at 10, move back to 20, and try again.
From my limited experience with sighting in shotgun scopes and such, Turkey shells shoot a little different as far as POI.
I will get some cheap turkey shells and shoot them at 20 and 30 yards, tune the sights if needed, then shoot as little as possible if the expensive shells to make sure it's on.

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I put a big sheet of paper or cardboard on a wood pallet, drive a t post in the ground to slide the pallet over.

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Mr. Hawk":3ag0jp7i said:
...... I think it's .570 ......
Makes sense. .570 constriction and 7/8 ounce of #7.5 lead (305 pellets) will not "print" near as good as 1.625 ounce of TSS #9s (590 pellets). Do not get discouraged until you run a TSS through your setup. I suspect pattern density (TSS pellets inside the 20" circle will be plenty), but you may have to adjust sight to ensure POA=POI.
Another tip is look at the back of the paper to get a better feel for pattern density and center of pattern.