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Hens Hens and more Hens


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2011
Clifton, TN (some yonder)
I seen 15 hens in one group this morning then another group of 21 about 2 hours later on same set up! 6 different birds gobbling this morning but not the first tom with hens when they fed in front of me. Someone please explain to me where and why the toms aren't showing up with these hens!! ThNks in advance...
So far this has been anything but typical for where I'm hunting...the birds are almost acting like its February. BIG bunches with birds still fghting to sort out pecking order (just this morning). Grown toms pal'n around with bands of jakes and no apparent interest in responding to a call and hens 10-15 at a time just feeding along. It's just really bizarre behavior and I will certainly be making some journal entries in an attempt to learn something I can apply to the road ahead.
This is the first year I hunted turkeys in a LONG time, so it is like starting as a newbie. But I don't get it. Last Saturday the fog was so thick you could cut it with a knife and they were answering back big time. Today was beautiful and not a single sound.
yeah today was really quiet for me as well. I never heard one bird on roost. Then all of a sudden a hen from no where in the field who clucked a couple times and fed around a bit before running off into thickets. Then about 2 hours later saw another in a thicket with no sound, then after that I had a hen trying to call back and forth to me and yelp back and forth with me, but nothing else. I called it quits right before noon.

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