Hens/Toms daily routine?

TN Whitetail Freak

Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2009
Reaction score
Its a cool morning and you get to the swamp at 5 am hour and a half before shooting light and head back to where you suspect birds. Your going in blind for the first time. 5:50 you finally reach your destination with guidance from the moonlight that is beautiful. You thank the lord for allowing you the ability to take in this sight. 6:20 you hear your first bird and b line to the direction....1/4 mile later your at your boundary of state land 75 yds off a secluded field you suspect to be seeing activities during the evenings......the tom roars again and you judge his distance from you. Its 300 yds maybe another one sounds off 300 yds right of the last and 100 yds further.....The bird continues for a half hour before flying down and he sounds even further now but still gobbling on the ground....he eventually stops and sounds as if he walked away after fly down. My question does does this bird stay henned up all day or do they break away daily? I've noticed this year they are feeding in the swamps up until 10:00-10:30 before making there way to the fields...could you just sit still and let them feed away and do their thing and be patient? The spot has big tracks everywhere so I know he used the area lately?
Right now they're probably spending all the time with hens. Turkeys love open areas, but spend more time in the woods. Keep after him, and you'll eventualky find him without hens, just don't push too hard and bump them. Patience
The turkeys I have been hunting have stayed with hens all day long this weekend. I finally found a gobbler this morning by himself but was heading towards the flock I was hunting and came in running. As the season goes on more and more hens will get bred and start going to nest and leaving the gobblers alone most of the day.

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