Here we go again!! Open Weekend JINX!


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2004
Reaction score
Wartburg, TN (Morgan Co)
RAIN 70% chance!!! I can't believe it! Last year this screwed up our turkey season so much!

I hope this is not the trend like last year. I know it rained every weekend last year. IF it wasn't for hunting in the week I don't think I would of killed a bird.
I just hope it isnt raining so hard that you wont be able to hear a gobble. I dont mind light rain or drizzle but hate hard rain.
steven stone said:
I just hope it isnt raining so hard that you wont be able to hear a gobble. I dont mind light rain or drizzle but hate hard rain.

Yep,.. they are saying maybe some strong storms on saturday. I ain't sitting in no blind in a lightning storm myself,.. but the thunder does make them gobble!!
WTM said:
how did this screw up your season? i killed 2 out of 3 birds last year in the rain.

I don't hunt fields, I hunt wood area, no fields. Don't have any fields to hunt.

I hunted in the rain last year so dang much, I could never hear a gobble. Where I was at made them shut up bad. Maybe my style of hunting but it really screwed me up bad.

I think this is also why the kill numbers were down from last year. Less hunters in the woods.
Its a lose / lose situation for me anyway. If it were to be pretty, I have two grandkids soccer games to attend Saturday morning, so I couldn't go anyway. But it is supposed to storm, so probably no soccer(and no sitting out in a storm for birds either!). So, maybe the preacher will have to count me absent Sunday.
I'm going out if it snows...I don't really care if I get one or not...good to be out in the woods with my gun and the camo and boots on again...smell that Hoppe's oil and that stale sammich is going to taste good out there with maybe a little thermos of coffee if it gets chilly...heck, I don't need birds I just need the excuse...!!
They will be heading towards the fields boys hit the fields if you have em those that dont get within 50 yards on the roost if you can!!! ;)
Coach said:
I'm going out if it snows...I don't really care if I get one or not...good to be out in the woods with my gun and the camo and boots on again...smell that Hoppe's oil and that stale sammich is going to taste good out there with maybe a little thermos of coffee if it gets chilly...heck, I don't need birds I just need the excuse...!!

That is what I'm talking about!!!
Let it be bad, get all of the weekend/opening day only out of the woods! I'll kill my turkeys in mid to late April & May. A bad opening is better in the long run for the serious hunters.
I've never been accused of being the brightest star in the sky, but particulary with a seven weekend season, I don't sit out in the rain either. Of course, I might not kill as many turkeys as those that do, but what the ...., so what! lol