Hey Crow


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2012
Reaction score
Etowah Tennessee
You know anything about those sights from CBE? I'm really liking the looks of that tech hybrid. Thinking about swapping my HHA out for one but don't know much about the company. I like the concept of using a diff pin on a adjustable sight if u don't have time to move it. Gona see if you had shot any of their sights or seen em on any bows.
I actually have a CBE Tek Hybrid on my bow. They are built very well but are extremely light weight...the Tek Hybrid is lighter weight than the HHA sights. I always thought the HHA felt like a chunk of weight for the size of it. I bought mine more for the ability to swap heads out on it. I can shoot a housing with fixed pins in it, or swap heads and shoot a single pin with slider...or even make a multi pin slider out of it...so it's a very versatile sight.

The only bad thing about CBE right now, is that Elite Archery bought them. And ever since Elite got them, they have been extremely slow in getting products out. I know some dealers that ordered the new 2013 sights with the cerakote coating at the ATA show back in January...that are just now starting to see them show up. A friend of mine ordered a lens kit for his CBE and it took 6+ weeks to get it in.
I really like mine. I am usually very tough on equipment and thus far the CBE has survived. The fibers aren't as bright as some of the other sights on the market with wraps and such...but I don't like super bright fibers anyway...they tend to halo in sunlight and for target shooting, that is very very bad. The longer the fiber material, the brighter it is...so therefore if you look at my sight, my fibers are just long enough to allow material through the pin, and I have them clipped off. For hunting I will simply use a longer fiber.

I am going to get a 2x or 3x lens for mine to try it out for Hunter or K45 class.
Yea I was gona ask u crow with that's an odd shaped front housing. Do they make the lens just to shape or does it come from another company? What powers have they got em in?
I have two housings for mine. One is a round one and the other is a D shaped one. The lens will only fit the round shaped one with the lens kit...basically a threaded piece on the back and a rubber gasket that will hold the lens in place. It is a 1 5/8 inch lens that fits it. I believe it is Feather Vision that CBE uses but any company that has a 1 5/8 lens will work. I am going to get one in either 2x or 3x....leaning more towards the 2x.

They are available in 2x,3x,4x,5x,6x, and 8x.

Housing I have = http://www.lancasterarchery.com/cbe-mul ... using.html

Lens for housing -- http://www.lancasterarchery.com/cbe-fla ... using.html
Jeff did order me the CBE sight with the housing for a lens. They no longer sell a multi pin housing that excepts a lens. I think he has found me one from another friend of his though.
Turd Farmer said:
They no longer sell a multi pin housing that excepts a lens.

See the link to Lancaster above. You can buy them all day long for $80 new. Here's the item description...note the last line:

Product Description
� Machined Aluminum Housing
� Large, 1-5/8� View
� Dual Pin-tracks for Infinetely Close Pin Settings
� Large, Highly-visible Level
� Red, Green, and Yellow Fiber-optic Pins
� Ultra-fine Steel Pins Available in .010 and .019 Sizes
� Black Anodized Finish
� Threaded Retainer Ring for Easy Lens Removal.

Also shown here on CBE's website updated for 2013:

http://www.custombowequipment.com/acces ... ousing.php