Higher Priced Cameras

Red Rider 450

Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
Guys, I've been debating the fact of purchasing a better camera for a while now. Im looking in the 300-600 dollar range and would like some real world experience on some of the better cams, not an ad to sell cameras. I know trigger speed is a big thing and also the flash i.e. infra red, black flash. I guess if you could recommend something that would be the best "bang for the buck" in the higher end category.
I'm starting to think homebrew is the best way to go in this price range.
The IR CADILLAC of homebrews I build runs $385.00 TYD 50' of flash range!! 830nm IR material produces ALMOST a black flash. You can still see a small deep purple flash but if you are not looking directly at it you will never notice it. 1.2 second trigger time on the pics. 65' of detection range with a HPWA fresnel. Really nice unit.
DEPENDS on "how" and "where" you'll primarily use it, and whether you have other cams better suited for particular applications.

From an "overall" perspective, the best value for around $300 is going to be "homebrew". The only significant downside to homebrews is they're not available in truly invisible "black" flash. But then, most of the choices on the commercial market aren't either, as most are "red glow" infrared, which I've found to spook game as much or more as white flash.

Unless you're going to true "black" flash, I'd look no farther.

If you have applications where "black" flash would be advantageous, CONSIDER the Uway NT50B. But be forewarned, the quality control right out of the box can be lacking. That said, I have found their return customer service to be between one and two weeks on the two items I've returned for not working properly. Not to "go off" on Uway, after all I am recommending them, but MOST of the trail cams made in China suffer from very poor quality control ---- many simply don't work, and you have to return for warranty repair (P&S at your expense, $12 + postage with Uway). Worse, it sometimes takes several weeks to figure out the problem is with the cam, while you've gone several weeks spending much time in the field with a cam that wasn't working. (Have to rule out battery and card problems first.)

The only other true "black" flash I'd look at is the Reconyx. That will be stretching your price range, but it should perform better than any the other "black" flash models. And you won't have to worry about spending weeks wasting your time in the field with a cam that doesn't work "right out of the box".

If you're considering "red glow" infrared, also take a look at the Leaf River. I've been very pleased with the performance, long battery life, and "ease" of field servicing. These can also be easily converted to true "black" flash by purchasing the Uway "Black" Flash Extender, and attaching it to the Leaf River.

Regarding the "black" flash, many users are going to be very disappointed in it's relatively short flash range. And because of its low-intensity flash, these cams are set with a longer exposure rate, resulting in a lot more poor blurry images at night. The flash range is greatly extended with the Uway "Black" Flash Extender.

I'm not so sure that the best way to utilize black flash isn't by using a black flash extender with a white flash cam. The white flash is disabled (either turned off or covered with black tape). Going this route, you should eliminate much of the blurry nighttime image problems of black flash cams.
The IR CADILLAC of homebrews I build runs $385.00 TYD 50' of flash range!! 830nm IR material produces ALMOST a black flash. You can still see a small deep purple flash but if you are not looking directly at it you will never notice it. 1.2 second trigger time on the pics. 65' of detection range with a HPWA fresnel. Really nice unit.
That sounds much better to me than any of the commercial "red glow" models.

That is using a "slave flash"?
Yes. It is a P41 or P32 with the NO GLASS IR mod done to the camera. A Vivitar 2800 Slave flash. Truly awesome machine.





It is also CLOSE to what I was talking about above:
Wes Parrish said:
I'm not so sure that the best way to utilize black flash isn't by using a black flash extender with a white flash cam. The white flash is disabled (either turned off or covered with black tape). Going this route, you should eliminate much of the blurry nighttime image problems of black flash cams.
IF you could rig this with a Uway Black Flash Extender (instead of the Vivitar 2800 Slave flash), you would have achieved exactly to what I was referring.

I will say those images you're getting are far superior to any Reconyx. All that should change if you were using the Uway extender would be your flash range wouldn't be as great ---- but it would be TOTALLY invisible.

I really think YOU could do this, but way over my head. :)
Built into the unit itself. It is contained in the black box in the top of the build. It operates independantly of the board the controls the camera. There is a photo sensor placed under the cameras flash. When the cameras flash fires it senses it and fires the salve flash. Works awesome. Want one?? Got one built and laying in my shop with your name on it Wes!!!lol
Don't tempt me! :D

That's really great you were able to "internalize" that slave flash inside the box. And there is NOTHING on the commercal "infrared" trail cam market that even comes close to the flash range and pic quality of what you put together there.

I know the Uway Black Flash Extender would have to be external, but does it seem a feasible idea to use one with a Sony P41?
I would have to know what triggers the extender???? I am now starting to build my own boards that controls everything. At the rate I am going the only thing I do not make myself will be the camera itself.
I would have to know what triggers the extender????
The "1st Generation" Uway Black Flash Extenders are triggered by a photo sensor placed over the camera's flash. It works well with a Leaf River, but not sure about the small flash window on a P41.

The "next" generation from Uway is going to be "plug in", which might be something you could "Jimmy-Rig". :grin:
In the $300 range, go homebrew. Above that, Reconyx. Those are basically your two choices if unit quality is a major concern. If you're going to spend top dollar for Reconyx, go black-flash (HC600).
Thanks guys thats the info I was looking for. All I have now are cheap cams that LOVE batteries. Actually, I could go all out and buy a top notch cam and be out the same money because of what I'm spending on batteries now lol. I just want something thats not white flash and fast on trigger speed. Thanks again.

Jim I may be in touch with you.
I have one of these laying in my shop ready to go if you are interested let me know. The 12 aa's in it will last for 10,000 pictures.