Hind Sight?

Im curious about these also. I have seen Tom Miranda on his show using it. Looks like a good concept. Dont have to have a peep sight and easier to adjust seems like.
I have one and like it. Haven't removed my peep yet so Im not sure I am getting all the benefit I am supposed to be getting.

It WILL let you know if you are torquing your bow or if your form is off on steep angle shots.
It works as described...however, I couldn't get it to stay in the same position. There are several adjustment areas with thumbscrews/allen bolts, etc.... I was very inconsistent with it and found that it was because it kept moving (not a lot, but enough to cause an erratic shot pattern of 3-4 inches at 20yds). Ditched it and went with a peep and am shooting great now! I think if yu can get it to not move after it's set, it would work really well.