Homebrew Question


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2009
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Middle Tn
I am building a p32 and i would like to add external battery power to the camera. I would like to use a 2d holder. I understand how to solder the points to the camera for externals and run them but do i need to do anything special to the battery holder or can i just connect it to the wires.

I am thinking about using rechargables in the camera and alkalines in the external. Does this sound ok?

Any help would be much appreciated.
Just hook the red to the positive and black to negative. With a 2 battery holder you get around 3v. Just what the camera requires. Listen carefully to this next part. VERY IMPORTANT!! If you run batteries in the external 2 D holder YOU MUST RUN rechargeables inside the camera itself!!! If you do not the 2 D's will over charge the batteries inside the camera and they will rupture and leak acid all over the guts of the camera....That's BAD!! When you start doing 4 and 6 batteries is where it can get confusing.
Can you just run the d batteries and none in the camera? That is the way I thought it would be hooked up.

If I were to want to run mutiple externals ie 4 or 6 d, i would just run them in parralell correct. Can you run rechargables in the camera and run multiple externals?

Thanks so much for the info. That answered my question for sure but just curious on the other stuff.
A Sony camera will not function without batteries inside the camera itself. If you are gonna run multiple sets of external batteries buy the holders that only hold 2 batteries. Then wire them red to red and black to black. DO NOT BUY A HOLDER THAT HOLDS 4 OR 6 BATTERIES. You have to wire them in pairs!!!!