Hope someone knows the answer


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2004
Reaction score
Bartlett, TN
to this question haven't been able to find any info on this.

Hunting Lower Hatchie which is a BONUS bird in the morning, so if I'm successful on the refuge can I hunt Fayette county in the afternoon! I believe I can as it's a BONUS bird, just want to make sure.
spoon":2bt3yf7m said:
to this question haven't been able to find any info on this.

Hunting Lower Hatchie which is a BONUS bird in the morning, so if I'm successful on the refuge can I hunt Fayette county in the afternoon! I believe I can as it's a BONUS bird, just want to make sure.
I believe you are correct that bonus wma birds are in fact bonus and have no affect on the statewide regs
I had a bonus bird draw hunt this year as well. I couldn't find anything specific, but if it's a bonus for the year its a bonus for the day. At least that's how I'm approaching it unless someone shows me clear law to the contrary.
I don't think anything trumps the 1 per day regulation, but I could be wrong.
PalsPal":1z9e9e79 said:
I don't think anything trumps the 1 per day regulation, but I could be wrong.

Years ago I killed a bird at chuck swan and when I checked it out, the officers told me to keep the streak going and go hunt somewhere else that day
Bonus birds have no bearing on statewide daily or seasonal bag limits, so yes, you could hypothetically kill bonus bird in the morning and statewide bird later the same day. I asked TWRA this question years ago and this was the guidance I was provided. Good luck!
Andy S.":21b6bkux said:
Bonus birds have no bearing on statewide daily or seasonal bag limits, so yes, you could hypothetically kill bonus bird in the morning and statewide bird later the same day. I asked TWRA this question years ago and this was the guidance I was provided. Good luck!

Good to know. Not that I'd ever be in that circumstance :D !