How close does he have to get?


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2007
Reaction score
Hickman Co.
The 81yrd hail mary shot thread got me thinking.

Say a bird is on his way and walking straight at you,not acting spooky,you got him on a string,he's struttin,gobblin doing everything close do you let him get? I have to admit I prob let them get too close 20 yrds or less,I guess I get caught up in the moment or something.
as close as he wants but i usually draw the line at around 10 if he is still coming....5-8yds shot with an XTRA full choke can actually be pretty tricky..i mean some guns will have a baseball size pattern that close and you are shooting at something roughly the same size.
I'm good out to 40-45 yards, and have taken one at 15 steps..... so for me anywhere in between along with a lethal shot opening.
I wont over 40ish but even that is rare. Most nearly all of my turkeys have been with 20 yards, this year has been an exception though with 35 and 41 yard shots.
i like for em to be at 30 yds when i shoot. my gun throws a perfect 12" even pattern at 30 yds and it would be very hard for me to miss. any closer and it gets kinda tricky.
stovepipe said:
short of yelling at them,

It works! Not yelling, just a "Hey, Tom!". Most of the time they will break strut and stretch out their neck.

Most of mine are in the 30-40 yd range. I'm always thinking something is gonna go wrong, and I can't wait any longer.
stovepipe said:
I will admit just recently, I missed a bird at about 17 yards, but I'm sure he caught some wind off of it cause he did a Matrix move when I shot. He was folding his neck back into a strut sequence just as I pulled the trigger, I guess. :D

Anything inside 30 yards and I will shoot when he gets just right, if its a bird I want to kill!
30 yards is my magic spot from my gun / choke / shell combo.
Absolutely terminal to them.

Where ever I get that "huhhh?" is when they get popped though.
Hmmm, I would say it would be "thunder time" if he does anything "squirrelly" 35/30 yards or closer.