How did the LBL hunt this week go?

23 checked in out of 250 permits. If I had time I would go back and try to figure success rates for previous years. 9% seems low for the first hunt with perfect weather. I'm guessing the ticks may have killed and eaten many of the turkeys.
Yeah, 23 is a lot more than last year!

The weather was about as good as you can get.

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If memory serves, last year severe storms were rolling through during the first hunt.

That said, when I run the search it shows 8 killed last year on the first hunt (April 10-11) and 1 killed the second hunt (April 14-15). Is that right? 9 turkeys last year out of 450 permits? If so, 23 on the first hunt this year seems great.
I hunted the second hunt last year. Weather was ok, not great but not horrible either but the hunting was far from stellar. The non quota hunt was nothing to brag about and just seems to be getting worse.

Hopefully this years kill numbers are a sign of change and things will start to turn back around. If the turkeys would expand like the hogs we would be good.

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Heard one bird gobbling this morning moved in on him and wound up someone else came in a different direction and bumped him. Not sure why they would have been talking so loud but were idiots. Weather sucked pretty much all day. Only 5 checked in when I left. Supposedly some really bad weather moving in during the wee hours of the morning and didn't care to ride it out in my hammock. Guess I'll go back on the non quota hunt and see if it is any better.