How many tree stands


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2003
Reaction score
Middle, Tn
How many tree stands would you NORMALLY put on 60 acres of land. Of course I know a lot of variables are into play but what would be a NORMAL number?

The reason is I started counting spots that I need to have stands hung and I need more than I initially thought. I will still use a climber but a lot of my trees need lock-ons or ladder stands.
I have seven on sixty acres. I also use a climber alot.
Most folks would say this is way too many, but my sixty acres is very rough. You can hunt a spot and move 100-yds and be in a completely different patch of woods. There are very few spots on this property that you can shoot over 50-75 yds.
I have 3 ladder stands on 104 acres,and then I have my summit titan for a few other spots,and yes I bow hunt out of my ladderstands.
RussellvilleRob said:
I have seven on sixty acres. I also use a climber alot.
Most folks would say this is way too many, but my sixty acres is very rough. You can hunt a spot and move 100-yds and be in a completely different patch of woods. There are very few spots on this property that you can shoot over 50-75 yds.
this is about what I deal with on my hunts.
8 fixed (wooden shooting stands)
2 lock on that I like to move around
2 climbers
2 blinds
1 picnic table
on 276 acers

The gunners use the wooden stands that are only 12' high, and they have shooting rails so it is hard to bow hunt out of them. I usually put my two lock on's in areas where I intend to hunt in the morning so I don't make much noise or in trees where I can't access with my climber.
If I need to make a quick change or if I am experimenting with a new spot I use my climber.
Scott61 said:
One on every other tree . :D

Now your talking.

So far, I am thinking somewhere around 12 stands.Most would only be hunted a few times when conditions were absolutely perfect. I am glad to see that most of us think alike.
Just all depends on your property I reckon. I have 8 ladders and 1 hangon on my 85 acres and lots more trees just trimmed up for climbers.
steven stone said:
Just all depends on your property I reckon. I have 8 ladders and 1 hangon on my 85 acres and lots more trees just trimmed up for climbers.

The problem that I have on part of my property is, beings it was select cut a few years ago I have a limited amount of trees I can use a climber on. As time goes by that will change but right some of the areas I want to hunt I need lock-ons or ladders. I prefer a climber any day.
I still have another ladder over here for you to borrow. Same deal as the first one :D
after you get them up, let me know when you ARE NOT going to be there and I will test hunt them for you. :D
I think you could easily place a dozen or so lock on stands on your property the way it lays .
I think it's important to hunt the fringes early on in the season on smaller tracts to keep from educating the deer . With your tract , I would say around 3 on the 15 acre tract and the rest spread out on the 43 acre tract .Hunt the 15 acres more in the early season during the good acorn years , and hold off hunting the cutover until later in bowseason .