How Many?

Since 1981:
179 bow kills
28 gun kills (rifle, shotgun, muzzleloader)

207 total

i enjoy bowhunting as much as any but i am out there to kill deer and am going to use whatever legally gives me the best chance.
I could easily go all year hunting with my bow only. But seems like I find myself year after year falling into the same pattern:

I see bucks early season with a bow. Have opportunities at younger bucks, and the mature guys are just out of range. So by the time ML season rolls around, I ease the smokepole in the woods. I often take the bow too, just in case the deer is going to come in bow range.

By the time rifle season comes in, I honetly like using it to fill doe tags to try and help the ratio for the following years.
I carried a rifle one day this past season. It was really late in the season, there was snow on the ground and a family at church asked me to kill a deer for them. I hunted on the ground with a rifle and had a good morning. I ended up killing a doe well within bow range, but it was still fun. That was the first gun kill for me since MZ season in '04. I think I'll gun hunt a bit more next year.
One of the reasons I like KY seasons. I get to bow hunt the woods alone more. I like the early MZL weekend. Its fun for me and gives a great opportunity to the hunters before the rut. I hate the tresspass season(rifle season) soley bc too many people are in woods they feel they have the right to be in. If they stayed on their property Id have no problem.