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How much is the fine for not having a fishing license?


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2021
Florien, LA
I was out on Cordell Hull yesterday, and watched the game warden cite two fellows for expired fishing license. There was no cell service, and to be fair I knew that they had thought they could renew when they got there, but chose to go anyway once they found out it was not happening. Bad choice, and now it will cost them. Wondering about how much they will pay for learning to get one before you go?
Rest of the story. The striper fishing was not very good. but the lake is beautiful!
The wardens also told them that if they bought a license and explained what had happened, the judge MIGHT either drop it or reduce the amount of the fine, and that they could also TRY asking if they could present evidence that they had one when they called in to see about paying the fine before the court date. I suspected that was mostly just trying to keep things calm so the encounter didn't suck as bad for them, because I doubt the wardens really wanted to do all of the work for nothing. But, overall they were not real hard on the guys. I got the overall impression that these two were pretty new at fishing, and just young and very naive, since they had recently moved here from Florida. Yes, I was close enough to hear most of what was being said, and also talked to them before and after.
The wardens also checked me, and my boat, which was fine with me. My ducks were all in a row. We chatted some, and they moved on.
Its Jackson co, chances are pretty good they told them the truth about getting it dropped. We actually have a pretty decent judicial system and law enforcement around here. Ive had a few tickets for proof of ins, expired tags, etc.... and all I had to do was get it in order before the court date, take my info by, and it was all dropped. LOL I also got a ticket once for 75 in a 45 by an irate deputy. That SHOULD have been "reckless driving", points on license, driving school, all that crap. NOPE. Went by the courthouse and paid the fine ($375) and that was the end of that too.
Its Jackson co, chances are pretty good they told them the truth about getting it dropped. We actually have a pretty decent judicial system and law enforcement around here. Ive had a few tickets for proof of ins, expired tags, etc.... and all I had to do was get it in order before the court date, take my info by, and it was all dropped. LOL I also got a ticket once for 75 in a 45 by an irate deputy. That SHOULD have been "reckless driving", points on license, driving school, all that crap. NOPE. Went by the courthouse and paid the fine ($375) and that was the end of that too.
Are you saying that they should get up to date, then go to court? Or get up to date, and present the evidence to a county clerk over there?
Are you saying that they should get up to date, then go to court? Or get up to date, and present the evidence to a county clerk over there?
Tell us you got caught, without telling us you got caught……

More seriously, get everything up to date before your court date. The clerk may or may not let you settle before seeing a judge. But if they don't, I'd hate to go before the judge and still not have my stuff in order.
Fine is $10-50 plus court costs. Court costs vary from county to county. At one time cc in Jefferson County was $259 in Cocke it was $329.
Tell us you got caught, without telling us you got caught……

More seriously, get everything up to date before your court date. The clerk may or may not let you settle before seeing a judge. But if they don't, I'd hate to go before the judge and still not have my stuff in order.
It definitely wasn't me. I know one of these young guys pretty well, and I am trying to see if there is any way to help himself out.
In my 20+ years of fishing, I've only been checked ONCE. My brother and I were checked by the game warden many years ago, and we both had our licenses. We even thanked the GW for checking us, and he gave us a funny look. I guess he never had anyone thank him.
Fine is $10-50 plus court costs. Court costs vary from county to county. At one time cc in Jefferson County was $259 in Cocke it was $329.
This is correct I believe. And yes, show up in court with a license and judges will often waive the fine, but they'll still often charge you the court costs (which is the biggest chunk).

This post also illustrates something I've been concerned about. LOTS of people are very happy that TWRA changed it so that licenses are always good for one-year from the date of purchase. And I understand the benefits.

The downside is that people will FORGET, whereas everyone used to know that ALL licenses expired Feb. 28.

Sure, the state is supposed to send e-mail reminders that your license is expiring. But e-mail addresses also change, e-mails can disappear into Junk or Spam folders or some people just get so many e-mails they don't bother reading them all (or read them rarely).

Bottomline, I believe there is going to be an increase in the number of people caught "Fishing without" in the coming years as a result in the change of expiration protocol.

I'm curious about scn's opinion on this?
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I have been checked 4 times when fishing and only once while hunting. Had my valid license on me each time. I was fishing a night tournament sitting back in an off river slough (as a passenger) when TWRA checked us. The boat owner got cited for not having his back anchor light on. We learned that even in 3 feet of water in the back of slough you must have it in on at night.
This is correct I believe. And yes, show up in court with a license and judges will often waive the fine, but they'll still often charge you the court costs (which is the biggest chunk).

This post also illustrates something I've been concerned about. LOTS of people are very happy that TWRA changed it so that licenses are always good for one-year from the date of purchase. And I understand the benefits.

The downside is that people will FORGET, whereas everyone used to know that ALL licenses expired Feb. 28.

Sure, the state is supposed to send e-mail reminders that your license is expiring. But e-mail addresses also change, e-mails can disappear into Junk or Spam folders or some people just get so many e-mails they don't bother reading them all (or read them rarely).

Bottomline, I believe there is going to be an increase in the number of people caught "Fishing without" in the coming years as a result in the change of expiration protocol.

I'm curious about scn's opinion on this?
The same thing happened with county of residence licenses. Many people used them out of county or fished with minnows or artificial baits while in county.
I'm 65 years old and been checked 2 times hunting, once in Al & once here..
Other than checking in a deer at a checking station.

Several times I've had my fishing license checked in both States..
Never got a ticket but always had a current license & required gear before going.👍
This is correct I believe. And yes, show up in court with a license and judges will often waive the fine, but they'll still often charge you the court costs (which is the biggest chunk).

This post also illustrates something I've been concerned about. LOTS of people are very happy that TWRA changed it so that licenses are always good for one-year from the date of purchase. And I understand the benefits.

The downside is that people will FORGET, whereas everyone used to know that ALL licenses expired Feb. 28.

Sure, the state is supposed to send e-mail reminders that your license is expiring. But e-mail addresses also change, e-mails can disappear into Junk or Spam folders or some people just get so many e-mails they don't bother reading them all (or read them rarely).

Bottomline, I believe there is going to be an increase in the number of people caught "Fishing without" in the coming years as a result in the change of expiration protocol.

I'm curious about scn's opinion on this?
I wasn't a big fan of the change from the year from date. The only people it really benefitted were people that were new to the system from moving to the state or just starting hunting or fishing. With the expiration date, you always had a year of hunting/fishing if you renewed as your old one expired.

I think it will lead to some folks "forgetting". Due to my love for saltwater fishing these days, I fish more out of state than in state. It is harder to remember whether or not I am current in the states that don't have a set expiration date. And, the old system had some benefits from the accounting side due to decades of intel on license purchases that helped knowing where they were in relation to the budget.

For me, there were a lot more cons than pros.
All I know is if you are STOOPID and have a cooler with beer in it in your boat on a twra lake the fine was $25 that and court cost was $239.50 total.

My boat, my cooler, not my beer.
My buddy took the ticket since it was his beer.
Well I guess it was technically my beer since I bought it 😂
He paid for steaks for my birthday party that night. I bought his beer lol

Crappy start to my birthday.

Yes I paid the ticket.

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