How much pork fat?


Aug 2, 2019
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How much pork fat does everyone use to ass with there deer meat? And what's "the best" breakfast sausage mix?
20 to 30%. LEM or backwoods makes good seasoning.

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I use about 30% for summer sausage, well more like 33%, 5lbs to 10lbs of venison. For my burgers, I use anywhere from 40% to 50% ground beef, depending on beef fat content (I get the cheapest). For brats, I do about 20% to 30% depending on the type and the batch size, I like round numbers so for 12lbs, I use 3lbs of hog fat.

Edit: I like the Hi Mountain kits, I've tried DIY and they have come out good but the individual spices can get pricey if you try a bunch of different recipes. The kits have just about everything except the meat, and in this case, the Jalapenos and cheese.
I get the cheese from here, though I have tried the regular cheese blocks, which worked, but you get some melting toward the bottom of the tube.
I don't use a prepackaged mix. there are a ton of DIY recipes out there for all sorts of breakfast sausage. 1.75% of the total weight of meat + fat should be a good salt content, which will be your standard base for all fresh sausage mixes. You'll need a kitchen scale. I prefer 10 lbs. capacity

5 lbs. ground venison
3 lbs. ground pork shoulder
(8 lbs.) * 0.0175 = .014 lbs. or 63 grams of salt.

I like a lot of garlic, so I would grate in 5 cloves of garlic and mix well. Use some garlic powder as well. Maple syrup will add nice flavoring, sage, onion, ground black pepper, and red pepper flakes. So long as you weigh your salt as a ratio of your meat, it'll be consistently the right salt content. Don't use volumetric masurements (tablespoons, cups, etc) for making sausage. Always go by weight.

Mix your meat & your salt, then work in the seasonings. Have a frying pan handy so you can pinch off a bit to taste it out & adjust flavoring from there. The 1.75% salt content is a good starting point. You can add salt to the mix as you want, but anything more than 2.25% will probably be too salty.
18 lbs. of venison, 7 lbs. of pork trimmings and 1 pack of Leggs #10 sausage seasoning.
BranchWater":vg3dqlme said:
18 lbs. of venison, 7 lbs. of pork trimmings and 1 pack of Leggs #10 sausage seasoning.

How do you like the leggs #10? I just ordered it yesterday heard it was good
DoeSlayer1":2t7so04u said:
BranchWater":2t7so04u said:
18 lbs. of venison, 7 lbs. of pork trimmings and 1 pack of Leggs #10 sausage seasoning.

How do you like the leggs #10? I just ordered it yesterday heard it was good
It's my favorite. We've been using it for years in our deer sausage and pork sausage. I buy it by the case at butcher supply in Nashville.
Now I know the % of how much to add. Now what kind of pork fat do I need to go and get I have a Save-a-lot near and Walmart. So need about 1.5 pounds for my 5 pound batch of summer sausage and then need about 7 pounds for my 25 pound batch of breakfast sausage. What cut of pork would I need to be looking for to get a decent price on 8.5 pounds of pork fat.
I get "seasoning fat" from my local grocery store. It's pork fat that was smoked, salted, and trimmed off. I skin it and grind it into little fat pellets then grind it into the once ground lean meat to mix.
I get the cheapest cuts per lb I can get, trimmings if the store trims their own. There is a place in hoptown that used to sell pork fat at a good price, but it was a rather large box. But now I don't need such a large amount, and no store I've contacted so far sells trimmings.
Omega":6xz0hrxy said:
I get the cheapest cuts per lb I can get, trimmings if the store trims their own. There is a place in hoptown that used to sell pork fat at a good price, but it was a rather large box. But now I don't need such a large amount, and no store I've contacted so far sells trimmings.

Had the same problem finding fat. I used a pork picnic shoulder. I added about 30% but it surely wasn't scientific since some shoulders have more fat than others.
You want to find you some pork trimmings. Find you a store with a real butcher and they'll fix you up with 8 lbs. If you ever make bulk just go and order a 50 lb box of pork trimmings.
BranchWater":3n8u2oar said:
You want to find you some pork trimmings. Find you a store with a real butcher and they'll fix you up with 8 lbs. If you ever make bulk just go and order a 50 lb box of pork trimmings.
That's the problem around here, I haven't found a place that does their own. If I had more folks local, we could go in on a 50lb box, but I don't know enough people that make their own sausage here to do that with.