How often do u go check your cards?


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2010
Reaction score
Just curious how often you guys get out to check them. Can you go too much and spoke deer with too much scent in the woods?

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DWRush22":3ed69oaq said:
Can you go too much and spoke deer with too much scent in the woods?

Each cam trap site is a different circumstance.
Regardless of how often checked,
I avoid checking them early in the mornings or late in the evenings.
My preferred time to check them is near mid-day, right before a good rain is moving in.
Weather plays a role in how often I check a particular cam.

That said, some locations can be checked with less disturbance than others.

And now with more becoming cell cams or wifi capable,
cams capable of taking huge 512 GB cards,
less onsite checking is required (mainly just to change batteries).
At this time of the year, usually about every 4 weeks. Closer to hunt time, I'll usually check the cams more frequently (as often as every 3 days on occasion- and usually when I'm hunting a stand close by) to try to actually pattern the bucks I'm hunting.
Im running cell cams exclusively, they save me time and gas money, as well as keep my smell out of the woods
This year has been different due to the amount of rain. I have cams on 3 properties and check them all differently. I have one property with problems of things getting stolen so I check those cams more often. My own property may be every 2 to 3 weeks. The last one may go for a month or more before checking things. I always try to be as scent free as possible and go at low traffic times.
All depends on where they are in relation to where and when I may be hunting an area. Sometimes my cameras aren't anywhere near where I may be hunting so they get checked less often. At the initial onset of the rut beginning I probably check them more often because that's when most of the bucks in that area are likely to show up on camera around scrapes. Sometimes those pics dictate I hunt that specific area and sometimes not.
DWRush22 said:
I've been going every 10-14 days. Too much?

Heck no, these people give deer too much credit! I , along with buddies , check ours every week. plus, all of us kill mature deer every year. My brother n-law checks his every 2 days and has 100's of pix each time. Again we all kill the best deer on camera every year.
I actually like to wait 2 to 4 weeks this time of year............however I had one camera with new batteries in it that I put out on july 14th and it fired for 2 days then went bad..............batteries leaked and it is I then wasted 3 weeks on that......................I hate it when that happens and over the years I have had that happen no less than about 7 times during a time that I really wanted to see some pics!! Geez that is frustrating. and by the way, it has happened at least 3 times with Ray o vacs, 2 to 3 with ever ready and at least once with Duracell. no explanation as to why this Is prevalent but leaking batteries is a criminal thing. You would think by now with todays technology this would be virtually non existent!!
For whatever reasons, some cameras eat batteries. I run the Energizer Ultimate Lithium batteries and they last from September through January and then throughout most of the summer before they need replacing. They aren't cheap but worth it considering I know that if I don't get pics it isn't because of battery failure.
I try to check mine every two weeks mid day.

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