I don't like decoys...just something else to tote. More times than not try and set up with terrain to make sure they are in range or get in front and cut them off.
I had 2 gobblers across a fence in a pasture strutting and gobbling 150-200 yds away. I would yelp every now and then to keep them stirred up but they would just gobble and strut. After 20 mins two jakes snuck up beside me crossed the fence and wandered into the pasture. Immediately one of the gobblers came straight to them chased them around a few times and all three walked away together.
I went to Walmart and will be using a jake deke in the morning.
Gun hunting I rarely use decoys but then again I rarely gun hunt. If I'm bowhunting I'll throw out my Zink hen just to give them something to look at aside from me because most of the time I'm not in a blind.