How Often Y'all Change Strings?

I dont shoot everyday but do shoot alot.I replaced my DXT with Proline strings 2 years ago.To this day they still havent streatched a bit.Maybe a little dirty but i believe i'll shoot em another year.
keep your strings waxed and they will last a long time. if i keep a bow long enough, i'll change the strings after a few years.
Whenever I want to swap color schemes :) Seriously...about once a year for me.

I am awaiting a new set from Breathn' from Archery Talk. Everybody said he was the goto guy for PSE strings and cables. Ordered a set from him in florescent green with black serving to go on my Evo. He better be's taken him 3 weeks so far and he just sent a PM saying he was shipping them Monday.
After they break, which hasn't happened yet.. :D

The strings that came on my first bow were on it from 1996-2007 when I finally broke down and bought my first new bow and I shot a deer or two with it almost every year up til then. I don't shoot a lot leading up to season though..
every time I want to change the color. lol I don't shoot everyday so I don't know if I'm elite enough to answer this question, but I've had my bow since 08 and only replaced the string and cables one time. I take very good care of my string and cables.
bobthebowhunter said:
every time I want to change the color. lol I don't shoot everyday so I don't know if I'm elite enough to answer this question, but I've had my bow since 08 and only replaced the string and cables one time. I take very good care of my string and cables.


I'm going to go one more year on my 09 AXE and I'll replace next year. I'll redo serving this year but that'll be it.