How Old is Your Harness?

Seat of pants harness must be over 10 yrs close to 15, don't see a reason to replace mine, sounds like a selling tactic.
Poser said:
I can't imagine you've put enough wear and tear on it to matter in the least bit. If you do not have noticeable UV wear, or serious fraying, I wouldn't worry about it.

I agree , Made of the same material as car seat belts that get more wear . Unless a person has fallen , or the straps have been torn or stitching compromised , they should last more than a few seasons . HSS is very conservative on their replacement timetables to reduce liability and warranty issues . I have a 30' lifeline rope for my treestands , and they say not to leave it out for more than two weeks .
I just don't see a harness having any dry rot or wear issues under normal use . Most companies offer free replacement of the harness after a fall too . Like anything else , it's common sense . Check for wear , and most importantly check the wear on your tree stand straps that have been left out in the elements !
My seat of the pants is 14-15 years old. Looking to buy a new one this year
I think the 5 yr replacement comes from industrial harness replacement standard that osha sets and they just carry it over for liability issues
ImThere said:
I think the 5 yr replacement comes from industrial harness replacement standard that osha sets and they just carry it over for liability issues

yes, that is it.
it is also suggested that after a fall to replace it. as with a seat belt in a car, they are rated for a one time impact.