HTL, Longbeard, and Heavyshot folks got a question


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2009
Reaction score
Knoxville, TN
Was having a discussion with some buddies today and was wondering if any of y'all had some pics of your 40 and 20 yard targets you'd be willing to share?
Yes if that's possible or even just a 20, we were discussing this stuff and I was curious to see if y'all had the same results as them at closer ranges.
i don't have pictures but i will say without sights your takin your success in your own hands with my gun at 30 in. it is crazy tight. i am going to shoot again here soon and ill post a picture then. ill say this if they are within 20-25 yards with how it is shooting now. it is very likely not to have a head left at all.
This is the same load, same gun. Browning A5, 26" barrel with a .665 Indian Creek. Load was a 3-1 3/4-5 Win. LB. The bulk of the shot was in a 6" circle at 20 yds.

40 yds.

20 yds.
Thanks guys, really interesting to say the least. It's amazing how consistent patterns are these days. I remember the days of patterns all over the board with clustered shot groups scattered about.
Setterman said:
Yes if that's possible or even just a 20, we were discussing this stuff and I was curious to see if y'all had the same results as them at closer ranges.

Interesting suggestion, I was testing at 40 yesterday. Everyone is so concerned about distance what will it do at 20 good question. I�m using a ML SG this year. So I used 2 oz #5 lead. Hevi #5/6 normal shot. Hummmm send one, here are my results. If the shot didn�t kill the wad would have, or the smoke would have chocked him! :D Shot a bit low but 101 in the �gotja� zone.

I shot mine at 20, 40, 50 put of a benelli nova shooting the 3.5 number 5's with a gobbling thunder at 20 yards my pattern was literally the size of a baseball(not much margin for error) at 40 I had an even pattern and at 50 it still held tight but I am concerned with the amount of energy that may be lost with the pellets I am going to do some penetration testing this week on 1/4 marine plywood. .dont get me wrong at 50 yards I still had close to 45 pellets in the head and neck on the target. I think that in its self will cause enough trauma to kill a bird
#5 lead will penetrate and kill turkeys at 50 yds. all day, everyday of the week.The real problem with lead at that distance has been pattern density, until now with the Long Beard shells. The claims of 60 and beyond by Winchester are just plain ignorant IMO, I don't even condone shooting then at 50. But I did misjudge yardage one time in a open swag of a field and rolled one at 52 with #5 lead so I do know they penetrate and kill at 50.

In ballistic gel at 50 yds.

#5 lead @ 1290 ftps. = 2.18 ft lbs. / 1.54 in.

#6 Hevi @ 1290 ftps. = 1.96 ft lbs. / 1.58 in.

Notice the muzzle velocity, it it the same for comparison. Got these numbers off a Randy Wakeman test chart. The LB #5 has a muzzle velocity of 1200 ftps. and factory Hevi 6's are 1090 ftps. So they are pretty neck and neck. That's a comparison to Hevi #6, and I know people who wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger on one at 50 with Hevi #7's with even less energy and penetration.