Hunting Stand/Blind Security


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2018
Reaction score
Clarksville, TN
So I have a new to me piece of land that would benefit from a permanent elevated hunting blind, and have been eyeballing some of the one-piece offerings like a sportsman's condo that you can make a platform for, but after they broke into my travel trailer at my other place I worry about security a bit more. This place seems to be well traveled around the perimeter, and a DIY one has been placed there before by a previous hunter but since removed. There are currently two ladder stands there, well maybe, and to my knowledge nobody has messed with them before, so it may just be much to do about nothing, but I none-the-less want to make it as difficult as possible to get to and remove. I have seen the tripod type, and I may just opt for one of those since they might be less noticeable when you take the material down, but I really want a better built and all-weather comfortable blind. Has anyone lost a stand that large, and heavy?
Auger type anchors ok? If so use them and bolt to them. Make it a little difficult and no one would likely bother it.
I think most any type of anchor is fine, and would probably go that route, but I am 2.5 hours away, so probably opt for a portable one, probably a tripod of some sort. Been looking up a few and seem to be easy enough to erect and disassemble.
A tripod is one thing, but I'd bet most thieves are too lazy to tear down a quad pod. Far as I know nobody has stole them or the one two man ladder we put up on my brother in laws place last year. It's out in the middle of nowhere with no gates or fence. He got his from Academy and I was really surprised at how they withstood the weather because he went a while before getting the blinds and roofs down.
I use TWO Metal angle iron stakes with pre drilled holes and drive them into the ground a foot and a half or two feet and screw them into the legs of my Sportsmans Condos with hex head screws.

I have several like that, a few right along roads. No one has even stolen them and I put them on opposite sides AND ends and they also keep them from being blown over. They are on 8 ft 4 x 4 s.
Never underestimate the lengths a thief will go to steal your stuff. The best you can do is slow them down. If they would only put as much effort into honest work.
Make it so difficult and time consuming to remove it just isn't worth it.

2 ways to do this... chains, anchors, bolts, locks, put in a place that is impossible to drive to with a truck or 4 wheeler.

Or #2... make it look so trashy that thieves don't think it's worth it to steal... ie, build a nice shoothouse, then screw random boards and pieces of tin to the outside of the finished walls, put duct tape all over the outside of the shoothouse, etc etc to make it look like it could fall apart at any second even though it's actually well built.and airtight.

Don't put a $1200 Sportsmans condo out there if you've had trouble with thieves before. Weight alone is not enough of a deterrent.
So I have a new to me piece of land that would benefit from a permanent elevated hunting blind, and have been eyeballing some of the one-piece offerings like a sportsman's condo that you can make a platform for, but after they broke into my travel trailer at my other place I worry about security a bit more. This place seems to be well traveled around the perimeter, and a DIY one has been placed there before by a previous hunter but since removed. There are currently two ladder stands there, well maybe, and to my knowledge nobody has messed with them before, so it may just be much to do about nothing, but I none-the-less want to make it as difficult as possible to get to and remove. I have seen the tripod type, and I may just opt for one of those since they might be less noticeable when you take the material down, but I really want a better built and all-weather comfortable blind. Has anyone lost a stand that large, and heavy?
So I needed to revise my earlier posted thoughts about thieves being too lazy to steal quad pods or ladder stands after hearing what my BIL told me today.

Opening morning of muzzleloader he goes to his quad pod he killed a good buck from last year. He bought this property couple of hours away, couple of years ago. Anyhow, he starts to climb and it didn't feel stable. Someone had unbolted all the bracing and tossed them to the side, leaving the platform intact! I'd helped him assemble and erect this stand. So we know someone went to some trouble and we're both convinced they planned on returning to steal the stand given first opportunity.

So anyhow, while surprised I can't say I'm not totally surprised. My brother in law hasn't hasn't put any gates in yet and we've already seen obvious evidence of trespassing. Thankfully they left his ladder and other quad pod alone, but neither are quite so visible.
So I needed to revise my earlier posted thoughts about thieves being too lazy to steal quad pods or ladder stands after hearing what my BIL told me today.

Opening morning of muzzleloader he goes to his quad pod he killed a good buck from last year. He bought this property couple of hours away, couple of years ago. Anyhow, he starts to climb and it didn't feel stable. Someone had unbolted all the bracing and tossed them to the side, leaving the platform intact! I'd helped him assemble and erect this stand. So we know someone went to some trouble and we're both convinced they planned on returning to steal the stand given first opportunity.

So anyhow, while surprised I can't say I'm not totally surprised. My brother in law hasn't hasn't put any gates in yet and we've already seen obvious evidence of trespassing. Thankfully they left his ladder and other quad pod alone, but neither are quite so visible.
May be time to add some red Loctite on the bolts, a few threads behind the nut so you can still tighten later if needed, they may still get them off, but they will be cussing the whole time or have to resort to a grinder.