Anybody else? I know Radar is.
I was happening flight problems with my blazers and my Slick Tricks a few days ago. I screwed around forever and things would just not fly, I know sometihng wasn't right but I couldn't figure out what it was. I fletched up 4 arrows with 4" feathers with right helical and booyah. Shooting the dang lights out. Once the season goes out I fix whatever it is but for now im good. Anybody else shoot feathers on carbons?
I was happening flight problems with my blazers and my Slick Tricks a few days ago. I screwed around forever and things would just not fly, I know sometihng wasn't right but I couldn't figure out what it was. I fletched up 4 arrows with 4" feathers with right helical and booyah. Shooting the dang lights out. Once the season goes out I fix whatever it is but for now im good. Anybody else shoot feathers on carbons?