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I have meat !!!!!

Toxophilite Phil

Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2000
Reaction score
Rogersville,Tn USA
The past 18 hours have been a hunter's dream. I had been having trouble finding acorns in some of my hunting spots. Went to one yesterday afternoon and acorns were dropping from every oak. Hadn't been there 15 minutes and started seeing deer. Watched deer all evening and right before dark I shot at and missed a good sized doe. I seen 15 deer in all last night. Back up this morning went to the same place. I hadn't seen anything. By 8:30 I was starting to second guess if my shot last night had spooked the deer when I hear a noise and here comes 7 deer. They are moving to fast to get my glasses on them . I needed to get my bow. They came right in to the oak grove. I watched them a few minutes and picked out the largest one. Judging yardage at 27 yds, I drew the Mathews Icon to its familair resting place with my thumb knuckle buried into my jaw bone.I settled the pin tight behind the left shoulder. My subconscious took over, I barely remember thinking how good that sight picture looked and the next thing I knew there were deer scattering like a convey of quail. I instinctly followed the wounded deer out of sight and then tracked it with my hearing till I thought I heard it drop and start kicking. Waiting a few minutes and going to where the deer was standing when I dumped the string, within a few steps I found the blood trail. Within 20 yds I found the back half of my arrow with very little blood on the shaft. Going another 20 yds I found the business end of the arrow and the other half of the shaft. This time blood was all over the arrow. Within another 30 yds I had my deer. It wasn't a doe as I had thought but a small buck with horns about 2 inches long still in dried velvet. His dressed weight was 81 lbs. The Muzzy had done the job, fast and humanely.I know he will eat good this winter.

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