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"I know everything there is to know


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2006
about the greatest sport ever invented". Well, with my apologies to shooter maybe not everything. I've killed two birds this week using the same decoy set(two delta feeding hens, and a transfan". Part of the fun of this silly business is to experiment, so this morning I put out an delta alert hen, the transfan and a delta mating tom on top of a delta hen. The woods were dead silent until 8:30, when I heard a distant gobble. I came down long and hard on a box call, and got him interested. He came in fairly quickly gobbling his head off, until he was so close that I should have seen him. Then I can only assume that as bad as he was sounding, he saw my set,and didn't like the odds of two gobblers already on the scene, went totally silent, and departed. Oh well, another lesson learned, and obviously unlike shooter, I don't know everything there is to know about the greatest sport ever invented, but I should have known better than that! lol
Maybe not every time but certainly a bunch of the time I learn something new, it may be terrain or it could be turkey behavior. Something always new out there.
Like Hook said, learning terrain and how turkeys move through it is invaluable. Something new to learn everyday in the turkey woods.
Knock on wood, I've never had a bird spook from a decoy. I've had them in the spread for 30 min and they finally get bored and leave, but never spooked. Even had one of my decoys blown over by the wind a couple of days ago, and a couple of jakes still wouldn't leave.

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