I know we have talked about decoys....


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2004
Reaction score
alot on here but I have one more question. I'm new to turkey hunting. If you are walking and calling and get a bird to answer do you set up a decoy then or just on cold calling?
Let's say you are easing down a logging road at daylight and get a gobbler to answer when you do an owl call. If you set down on the road and get hid would you put the decoy between him and you, even with you on the road or past you?
I set up on two hot birds last year and set the decoy between me and where I thought they would come but they ended up hanging up to far from me. If the decoy was beside me or behind me maybe the gobbler would have come a little close. Thoughts?
I would probably throw out a single hen, probably behind me where the gobbler would have to walk by you to get to the decoy.

With that being said, it has never worked for me like that. :)

Good luck.
could they see your decoy? If I hear a turkey, and I can get my decoy 10 15 yds in front of me , I will set them up. I dont like decoy behind me.
Always in front of you. A wise old Tom can skirt you and catch you in a position where you can do absolutely nothing but wish you could turn and shoot, but you know you would be busted. I learned that the hard way.
Put it slightly left/in front of you as that should be the way your gun is pointed. I don't use a decoy to attract the gobbler per se, but more to keep his attention off of me if I need to make a move.

If the area is fairly thick woods, I won't use it period. You want him to come looking. Now, if it is fairly open, he may expect to see a hen. It's a 50/50 guess on whether he comes on in, or stands out there and struts for her. One thing that might help is to face the deke away from the direction you think he might come. It might tick him off if he thinks she isn't watching him.
I also face the decoy towards me so, in theory, the gobbler has to put his back to me to see the decoys face, giving me room for slight movement/adjustment. Had an elderly turkey hunter who helped get me started tell me this.
If using hen decoy, face away from you as the Tom will approach from the back.. If using a Jake or Tom decoy, face toward you as the Tom will approach another male from the front. (unless he's a quar). :D
Plus keep in mind decoys can help a situation by no means full proof. If it was full proof formula everone would get a turkey everytime. You never know what a turkey is gonna do. He might see his shawdow on the way in and leave. That doesnt mean your decoys are the problem. I had a gobbler almost in range once with hens all around my decoy. A coyote runs in and flushed all hens. My decoy is still standing there. Gobbler is looking at decoy like why didnt you fly?? He slowly walked away. Although he died the next day.