I made a dumb mistake..


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2008
Reaction score
Belk Tennessee
Yesterday my string broke on my bow. I got it fixed and sighted in.. everything was fine get in the woods this morning. It's so as all get out.. finally see a deer but she stayed out around 35yds. I let the arrow fly.. but it went WAY low and right. Not really sure what happened.. but I think I should have sighted in with the broadheads.. I usually shoot it with the Rage practice tips, but didn't because I was at the shop. talk about making you scratch ur head! lol :D I'll be out again after the Titans game.
Hate that you missed but don't they advertise Rages flying just like field tips?
better a miss than a wounded deer, I tracked someone elses rear hip shot 8pt. deer for 5 Hours yeasterday and turns out they had shot friday and gave up on recovery.....It stinks that you missed but you'll get'um today!!!!
I was on the ground in a blind..

I now realize what happened, I remember putting the pin on her, but I don't remember the kisser button touching the corner of my face.. causing the arrow to fly to the left.
ShaneHallum said:
I was on the ground in a blind..

I now realize what happened, I remember putting the pin on her, but I don't remember the kisser button touching the corner of my face.. causing the arrow to fly to the left.

That stuff happens when your really nervous. I do the same exact thing. I shoot better at deer when I pull back long before I actually shoot, in order to get everything in place.