I missed!! ARRGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Big J

Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2006
Reaction score
Friga, Frga,smaga, ragaa!!!!!!!

I hate that bird!!

The son of a gun came off the hill with 7 hens with him!!! 7!!! And two more went running to him behind me!!!!!!!!!

What ever happened to get down and find the hens!!! He never even Gobbled after he hit the ground!!! They found him!!! He is breeding them all the way down the dang field!! Heck he has 2 on the hill in front of me waiting on him to get over there!!

He could have cared less about B-Mobile and his 2 hens!! He had a ton of them and it was all he could do to control them!!

This dang bird does not have any competition!! I have only seen him!

No Jakes!! NO other Gobbles on the whole farm!! Just him!!

He has run everyone off!!

Then he comes in at 60 yards and I end up peppering him as he is headed up the next ridge!!

I hate that Bird!! It is my mission from God to kill that stinking bird!!! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! :mad:
been there, done that and it sucks but got sweet redemption this morning when the boy layed the smackdown on him at 25 yds.
Will he change his pattern? I moved my blind to his crossing section between the tree line and the pond. I figure i will go in next time with no decoys as he may relate them to this incident. Just set and ambush. What say you?
Depends on how bad you hit him.

If he is relatively uninjured, he will most likely still follow his hens.
I kill the bulk of my toms just by ambushing. Many times I don't even bring a call. I wear running shoes and stay mobile and I think that is what u need to do.A decoy from here out is detrimental imo.