I must say


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2006
Reaction score
Lewisburg, Tn
I hunted Yanahli today and man there is a lot of "owls" there heard no less than 6 different "owls" so far either that or they walk fast I mean fly fast lol
You should have been on the early Williamsport hunt. Not just the many subspecies of barred owls, but the guy saying to his buddy "if you get one then scare the rest down my way" then his buddy walked past me and never saw me.

Seen a lot more people, trucks and boot tracks this year than I ever have. Maybe a good thing the hunting has been slow

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The internet is Yanahli's worst enemy. I talked to 2 guys there from the gulf coast last year that said they came because everything on the internet said there was a turkey behind every tree.
Spurhunter":pjupuj3b said:
The internet is Yanahli's worst enemy. I talked to 2 guys there from the gulf coast last year that said they came because everything on the internet said there was a turkey behind every tree.
well there's a hunter behind every tree. Last year I called 7 gobblers on this same ridge top throughout the season. This year I've found wallowed out spots where people sit under trees and even a makeshift blind. I've been running all over the place to find a bird...hopefully all the hopefuls who read on the Internet will find out that it's a lot tougher to find a bird out there now and leave it to the residents who actually scout and know the land

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This year has been the toughest year on yanahli for me also... I have gave up on yanahli this year and I'm driving to my leases that's over a hour and half away when yanahli is 2 mins from my house.. The pressure there is ridiculous even when I walk 2 or 3 miles to the area I hunt
Closing several hundred acres off iron bridge road has not helped the rest of the WMA either. At least the birds have private farms they can retreat to

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catman529":27j3s6dj said:
Closing several hundred acres off iron bridge road has not helped the rest of the WMA either. At least the birds have private farms they can retreat to

Sent from the talk of tap
This. It definitely helps the future, with all the private land mixed in.
I haven't been there this year.
MMHunter":2nk7ruen said:
catman529":2nk7ruen said:
Closing several hundred acres off iron bridge road has not helped the rest of the WMA either. At least the birds have private farms they can retreat to

Sent from the talk of tap
This. It definitely helps the future, with all the private land mixed in.
I haven't been there this year.
I called one off private land on Wednesday. He busted me at 20 yards and ran back where he came from. Was the only bird I heard that day

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It seems more and more lose land and leases adds to the pressure on all wmas but Yanahli has been getting hammered and I think when they started keeping it opened whe the second gun segment deer season has been detrimental
Bone Collector":3pkx3gyf said:
That and magazines. everyone i read that talks about Tennessee turkey hunting on public land, says Yanhali is the best WMA in the state for turkeys.
I guess I don't read enough magazines but people need to learn to be quiet or there won't be any best WMAs anymore, just crowded ones

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I agree. Took my little cousin there on youth weekend and heard lots of birds, even had a couple come in just couldn't get him set up right before they moved on. Ever since then, I haven't heard or seen near what I did that weekend. Went to one area during the week this past week only to see 3 trucks there before me which I thought was ridiculous during the week. Sure is a shame. Internet and the article about Yanahli have hurt it tremendously.
jrbookingtn":11z7xeb0 said:
I agree. Took my little cousin there on youth weekend and heard lots of birds, even had a couple come in just couldn't get him set up right before they moved on. Ever since then, I haven't heard or seen near what I did that weekend. Went to one area during the week this past week only to see 3 trucks there before me which I thought was ridiculous during the week. Sure is a shame. Internet and the article about Yanahli have hurt it tremendously.
I've seen way too many trucks during weekdays this year, it's gone way downhill compared to the last few years.

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catman529":2h1tnag1 said:
jrbookingtn":2h1tnag1 said:
I agree. Took my little cousin there on youth weekend and heard lots of birds, even had a couple come in just couldn't get him set up right before they moved on. Ever since then, I haven't heard or seen near what I did that weekend. Went to one area during the week this past week only to see 3 trucks there before me which I thought was ridiculous during the week. Sure is a shame. Internet and the article about Yanahli have hurt it tremendously.
I've seen way too many trucks during weekdays this year, it's gone way downhill compared to the last few years.

Sent from the talk of tap
I wish you hunted it ten years ago . I could hunt almost any where and never see a soul and more deer and turkey that you could imagine
catman529":2kpkg7p4 said:
Bone Collector":2kpkg7p4 said:
That and magazines. everyone i read that talks about Tennessee turkey hunting on public land, says Yanhali is the best WMA in the state for turkeys.
I guess I don't read enough magazines but people need to learn to be quiet or there won't be any best WMAs anymore, just crowded ones

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True but it's not just people talking. The harvest #s say Muary county is the best and parts of Yanhali are in Muary co. Now harvest reporting asks if you killed at a WMA so they know how many were killed there.....

Sent from Tappy Talkie
catman529":2snmxbb7 said:
Bone Collector":2snmxbb7 said:
That and magazines. everyone i read that talks about Tennessee turkey hunting on public land, says Yanhali is the best WMA in the state for turkeys.
I guess I don't read enough magazines but people need to learn to be quiet or there won't be any best WMAs anymore, just crowded ones

And I am seeing more than ever turkeys in the neighborhood while driving..My kid loves seeing one and yells "taki" when she sees one..
To start off...I've been a lurker on this forum for years. I finally decided to join just to post in this thread.

Spurhunter":1mhn4p3r said:
The internet is Yanahli's worst enemy. I talked to 2 guys there from the gulf coast last year that said they came because everything on the internet said there was a turkey behind every tree.
Correct. The internet is to blame.

Rockhound":1mhn4p3r said:
This forum alone has killed yahnali...

And there is a WHOLE lot of truth to this. When I wanted Yanahali reports, all I had to do was come on here. Seeing newbies get their limit on the place, talking about all the birds they call in and hear, and even filming some of their hunts.. Duh, the place must be loaded!

But all turkey hunters go through stages and hopefully a few learn the lesson about keeping your mouth shut.

This forum isn't solely to blame by any means though. Last year alone I saw people talking about the place on MULTIPLE forums. Some idiot from MS even made a thread on OldGobbler.com talking about how easy it was to get a limit there. AND PUT THE WMA NAME IN THE TITLE OF THE THREAD!!! Burn........

It isn't so bad when you name a 100,000+ acre national forest in a post..But when you start naming small WMAs, towns, or even counties...You are shooting yourself in the foot.

I've already witnessed the internet help ruin late-season Kansas. I've quit going out there because of the huge increase in non-resident pressure. And as places get shot out, people just keep going earlier and earlier. Of course a lot of turkey 'killers' love Kansas because they can bushwhack the birds or decoy them in. A lot of these same non-residents aren't near as successful out-smarting big timber birds. As far as I'm concerned, they can keep Kansas.

But I sure hate to see Yanahali ruined..

catman529":1mhn4p3r said:
well there's a hunter behind every tree. Last year I called 7 gobblers on this same ridge top throughout the season. This year I've found wallowed out spots where people sit under trees and even a makeshift blind. I've been running all over the place to find a bird...hopefully all the hopefuls who read on the Internet will find out that it's a lot tougher to find a bird out there now and leave it to the residents who actually scout and know the land

Sent from the talk of tap

I don't doubt you finding wallowed out spots near where you hunt when you post so much info about your hunting. Just like someone finding your ground blind opening weekend thanks to a little internet forum detective work. ;)

jrbookingtn":1mhn4p3r said:
I agree. Took my little cousin there on youth weekend and heard lots of birds, even had a couple come in just couldn't get him set up right before they moved on. Ever since then, I haven't heard or seen near what I did that weekend. Went to one area during the week this past week only to see 3 trucks there before me which I thought was ridiculous during the week. Sure is a shame. Internet and the article about Yanahli have hurt it tremendously.

I witnessed two tracts get absolutely RAPED opening week. Both held a good many gobbling birds before the opener, but I never thought a place could get shot out so quick! Normally hens will save birds..But if that bird gobbled much on the ground, there was a good chance he was going to have people on multiple sides of him opening week. Hard for him to live when he is surrounded!

ImThere":1mhn4p3r said:
I wish you hunted it ten years ago . I could hunt almost any where and never see a soul and more deer and turkey that you could imagine
I cannot imagine that place before the pressure hit...

Last year at Yanhali we saw non-residents from one other state. We hunted parts of opening week and late second week. This year opening week we counted trucks from 9 or 10 states! I spoke to as many as I could..75% of them were first-timers. If I had to guess..75% of the total hunters we saw were non-residents...

Of course several were disgusted at the amount of pressure and won't be back. But several also were successful and will go back home bragging to their buddies about killing. Thus bringing in an influx of more hunters.

I will say this..I've never really been worried about getting shot while turkey hunting..And I travel all across the U.S. hunting public land..But more than once it crossed my mind while hunting Yanahali opening week this past season! The last morning I was there we had some birds roosted pretty deep in a tract..Well the first guy comes in on us and spooks them when we had them strutting at about 80 yards..Another couple of guys bumbled on in there on us also.. It is a scary feeling watching two birds in front of you and hearing someone come walking up behind you right over the lip of the ridge.. And to top the hunt off.. An Arkie non-resident circled around on private land to head the birds off and killed one! That was enough for us, we packed up and headed home.

I'd recommend packing a bullet-proof vest for opening week next season. :lol:
Oh yeah....

I must admit I did take great pleasure in watching many of the first-timers go home empty handed after thinking all they had to do to kill a bird was sit on a field with a decoy spread.. haha. Love it.

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