Big J said:over at OG have me thinking!!
I have a undertaker choke and I am shooting Win supreme no5.
If I want over 200 in the spot at 40. What choke and shell will it take after I polish the barrel??
I agree.Setterman said:. . . . these ultra tight patterns can really cause issues inside of 25 yards.
Swamphunter said:I don't know about the turkeys where you hunt, so I won't comment on them, but here in west TN and Mississippi the birds are a little tough for a BB gun.
lighten up big guy i didnt say that was the best weapon just saying they are not super tough, that you dont need a ton of energy to kill one, it only takes about 1.5foot lb to penatrate the skullSwamphunter said:Nevermind. I give. You guys are right. BB guns are the best weapons for turkey hunting and should be legal. Good grief. :crazy:
REN said:i have not shot the 7's however as far as downrange energy you should look at some of the pictures on OldGobbler of a turkey killed with them at 40+ yds. some of them went completely through the body and exited the other side. From the looks of the pictures (unless the dude is lying) they look to have plenty of energy at a distance.
Swamphunter said:I cant figure out why everyone on here is so enamored with #7's. Sure, they make an unbeleivable pattern on paper with incredible pellet counts, but they lose too much energy downrange to suit me. If he hangs up at fifty yards I want to know I got the energy to get it done. I shoot a .660 Jellyhead with Ext. Range #5's. Fifty yards=bang flop.
Brad C. said:That would be me. And those 7's will eat a gobbler up. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.,1421.0.html