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I suck as a turkey hunter!! Period!!

Big J

Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2006
I could not even call in a jake if I wanted too!! I am the worst caller in the world!! I have managed to kill two birds this year. One because of The Ladies man and one was walking past the dang blind!!!
Today I get in at about 3:45 and one gobbles right out the gate 100 yards in front of me! I puur and yelp a little and he gobbles ever time!! We play cat and mouse for 35 minutes and I here his gobbles get distant until he is gone. I di everything to get that bird in and he was hot!!
I cooled his butt off though!!

Another thing!! My pot calls sound different with gloves on! It is like the gloves absorb the sound and it sounds just awful!!
I got the same problem it seems, they go the other way when I call. I thought about recording myself calling, then put it on the other side of the woods and shoot em when they run my way
No calling is better than bad calling. I would say find out there pattern and set up there.
Probably not so much the calling as you think. Probably had hens with him, possibley a two year old thats been whipped. Calling is really not the big deal everything one thinks it is. Turkey hunting is really about understanding what turkeys do at certain times of the season, or what phase they are in. Not trying to be a know it all, just trying to help. I've called em, ambushed em, took em about every legal way you can take em, so dont worry about it. Sounds like you are doing pretty good, just hang in there, it will get better. One thing about it, its easier to call a turkey if he's headed your way to begin with! Good luck
Probably was some hens,but if your having trouble with your slate try holding it with only your fingertips this way your hand glove or not will not be absorbing the sound.
That sounds like a normal turkey hunt. The reality of turkey hunting is much different than a hunting video. And like everybody else has already said, it sounds like he had some hens with him that actually pulled him away. If you think he has hens, don't call too agressively. Try to sound passive. Maybe some purrs and soft yelping and very little of it. Try to sound like an old hen content with feeding. Throw in some scratching. At this point you're hoping to call the hens in and bring you know who. If a boss hen feels threatend by agressive calling, she will pull him away from you every time. Whatever you do, don't give up and don't put too much pressure on yourself to kill a bird. That just takes the fun out of it. Good luck!
Yep, if the hen with the tom hears you calling, chances are she will move away from the "competition" taking Mr. Tom with her..... Make a big circle and get in front of them as quietly and quickly as possible.... scratching in the leaves might help too.
Gray Ghost said:
sounds like you were tempted by the gobbling and overcalled.

Took your advice this morning and scored! Stopped calling when they were coming! Let them gobble a few times before purring a little and shutting up!! Worked!! Thanks!

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