I Watched Him Walk Away..........(pic)


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2006
Reaction score
Houston County,TN
I watched the trophy of a lifetime walk directly under my stand on Sunday morning at 6:25.......and then I watched him walk away.....I just stared in amazement at what I had witnessed. Not knowing whether to laugh, or cry, or just throw up, I climbed down from the tree and went back to the house after only a half hour of hunting. "My trophy" was an albino buck, illegal in Tennessee. I had heard of an albino about 3 miles from my house but that was 2 years ago, never really gave it a thought until this guy strolled by yesterday morning, complete albino, pink eyes and all. I did some digging and actually found this trailcam pic which was posted believe it or not on tndeer back in August from Houston County, I never saw the thread. Turns out this pic was taken 3 months ago and 3 miles from my house, I have no doubt this is "my deer". I wanted to share....

You can thank the vocal few in Williamson county that convinced the TWRC to go against the suggestions of TWRA. They are the ones that made it illegal to kill albinos.
we need to get a petition going or something. really no sense in outlawing the killing of an albino deer, and there are a few roaming around here that would look fine on the wall.
If they were not illegal to shoot, you probably would have never seen it because it would be dead. Just be glad ou were able to witness it. I have only seen one before, and it was in Illinois.
I know quite a few ppl who have been watching him over the years. The whole county knows "of" him. Neat deer
Diehard Hunter said:
You can thank the vocal few in Williamson county that convinced the TWRC to go against the suggestions of TWRA. They are the ones that made it illegal to kill albinos.

I believe that is incorrect. You can thank a certain group of lawmakers on Capital Hill in Nashville that made it illegal, at the Legislative level, and not the TWRC�the TWRC actually gets a pass this time.

Regardless, it is very unfortuante that the OP did not get to remove this mutation from the herd, for several reasons, and a beautiful mutation it is.
Freaking Awesome.............cant for the life of me figure out how they railroaded them into being illegal to "harvest"......... :mad: